Monday, October 20, 2008

Busy, busy, busy

We had a little party for Cordelia on her birthday. Grandpa and Grandma came over and watched her tear into her cake and open presents. We are having her party with family this Friday. We've been too busy to have it any other time.
I worked this weekend for our annual Haunted Fort event. The weather was so nice, which helped our attendance, and helped us from freezing. On Saturday there was a special Halloween event for younger kids at the park. The boys went through the Custer House and saw it all decorated. Then I took them over to the grainery, which I helped decorate. About half way through Rion said he wanted to go home, (it got kind of dark towards the end), but when we got out he said he wanted to go through again.
On Sunday Rion spent the day with Grandpa and his little brother from the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program. They had special things going on with the Timberwolves in town. Rion got to play basketball on the Civic Center floor. They also stayed to watch the game which was against the Nuggets and had a good time. While he was out with Grandpa, Grandma and I took Torii out. We went to McDonalds first. Then to Gateway, which has a nice play area for the kids. Cordelia even enjoyed it. Then we went to Barnes and Noble, where Torii played with the Thomas set. And since Grandma was with he actually let me look at books.
Today after school we had to go to Wal-Mart since I didn't get a chance to this weekend. I had planned to on Sunday, but Cordelia took a long nap after the big outing. While at Wal-Mart, Rion spotted Grandpa. I didn't see him and couldn't understand what Rion was yelling about. So they hung out with Grandpa while I got most of my shopping done.
Rion only has three days of school this week because of teacher's convention. Then next week we have his first teacher parent conference. On Thursday Cordelia has her one year doctor appointment. And on Friday is the party and Norma will also be here. I keep telling myself that someday things will slow down so I can relax. Stock up on your sleep and time to yourself now Kelly!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Road Kill

Forgot one more photo. Victoria loves to push her toys under the peddle car and then try to get them. This photo is when she was getting to comfortable and just about fell asleep. Weird cat.

Merry Christmas?

Snow in October reminds me of when I was trick & treating with my angel costume. I had to wear my wings on the outside of my winter jacket and we had to make a trail through the snow banks to everyone's house to get candy. People around here are complaining of the snow we are suppose to get, which I don't understand because Idaho has or is close to the some of the best ski, snow boarding, and sledding areas around.
Today the snow just keeps coming and it's so pretty. I love it. When Brian and I came home from church I decided to make a nice brunch and then relax for a bit before I start cleaning. With sunday football in the background, a nice brunch, snowing outside; aaaah, the holidays are near. I want to go shopping! :-D
Anyhow, not much else going on here. Brian and I went to see "Get Smart" and it was so funny. We wanted to see the new movie with Leonardo dicaprio but tickets went up and now it's $9.50/ticket! So we went to the cheap theater to see Get Smart and tickets were only $3.00. Plus we could still afford to get popcorn and a pop (I need my popcorn at the movies).

Monday, October 6, 2008

Memorial bridge coming down

Today they took out the first section of Memorial Bridge. Grandpa and Grandma picked up Torii and watched the implosion by the river. Fred Rion was in school, but I showed him video of it when he got home. I watched it from the top of a blockhouse at Fort Lincoln. It was pretty cool. From where I was I saw the flash of the explosives, dust, and then about 10 seconds later a loud boom. We weren't expecting the boom and everyone jumped. It was really loud even that far out of town. Fred said the windows in the house shook. Dad took these pictures. If you want to see more go to They have video posted and some good Sky Spies photos of the bridge coming down.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Fun stuff

My birthday was good. Eric brought me to the planetarium early in the afternoon. The planetarium is in the public museum, so we (well, he) had to purchase tickets for the museum as well, so we strolled around there for awhile. Really neat museum. I had lots of fun. Afterwards we walked back to my apartment to have a light lunch, then it was off to a go-kart track and bating cages. We also played some skee-ball :) Eric said I'm an easy date because I never want the fancy diners and flowers crap. I want to drive go-karts and go to the arcade :P However, we did go to Old Chicago for super because I LOVE their pizza. Plus they have 110 beers to choose from. Pizza and beer... count me in! :D Later in the night, I wanted to go out for a few drinks with friends, so we went to my favorite bar.
Pretty eventful birthday, which was nice. It also got me away from the stress of school...

Thanks so much for the presents. I haven't had a chance to use the gift card mom and dad sent, but I can't wait to go shopping!!! :) Kelly- thanks so much for the cake :D I picked up a cake pan the other day... can't wait to make it now! Stacy- I can't believe what you got me hahaha! Crazy crazy, but I like it a lot, and I know I'll make good use of it :)

Last night I baked an apple pie for Eric. He loved it :D I'd have to say it was probably one of the best ones I've ever made... We had it with Vanilla ice cream. YUM!

This weekend I have to go on a retreat-type thing for Alternative Breaks. I can't remember if I told everyone, but I became a site leader! I'm kind of nervous, but excited at the same time :) I find out tomorrow which trip I'll be going on. Can't wait!

Hope all is well. Talk to you soon:D

The museum has a carousal from 1928. We got free tickets because it was my birthday :)

We asked the operator to take a picture of us....

Old bike that you can peddle.. don't worry it's grounded :)

This was a really cool exhibt they had going on... It was a complete robbery/murder scenario where you go through and look at the scene, "interview" people. look at the crime scene, the autopsy (if you want... a video of real autopsy footage), and then you try to solve the case. They also had forensics stuff there and other neat crime-solving things. Very cool. Eric and I got our mug shots taken :P