Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Forgot to post this. You might have seen this on my facebook, well here's the story:

I like to play darts, but will admit I'm not great at them. Just alright. Well, Eric and our friend Neil were playing cricket and I asked Eric if I could shoot for him. He hesitated, but said, "fiiine, but just one".
Me: "whatever"
So I pick up the dart, throw it and bullseye. Impresed, Eric hands over his second dart. Bullseye. Not believing what he's seeing, he hands over the third dart. Bullseye...

I don't think I'm allowed to play darts ever again. haha. :)


Hello! Hope everyone is well! I am doing good. I appoligize for my lack of communication, but I have been working a lot. Work is going good. Wish I had more time off, but I need to make money :) I've started looking for a second job. I have looked into career jobs, and service jobs. I think I might just get a seasonal job for now, since they are hiring the most, but you never now I might land a job with some benefits, which would be great.
I've been missing home a lot. Fall in Michigan is so gorgeous and wonderful, I wish I could share it with you all. Photos never seem to do it enough justice. I also miss seeing the house all decorated with halloween stuff :) Some friends and I carved pumpkins the other night. I carved a galaxy into mine, which turned out to be pretty cool. I have also been watching terrible old horror movies. The old ones are so much cooler! I don't need to see blood gore, give me plastic skeletons! Plus, I could listen to Vincent Price forever haha.
Let's see... about a month ago, Grand Rapids had a HUGE event called Art Prize. Thousands of artist compeated to win the biggest art prize ever given out, which I think was 250K. So, all artists had their work displayed through out the entire city. It was pretty cool. I'm amazed at the talent of some individuals. There were some drawings that looked like photographs! I can not begin to think how much time was spend on them.
My birthday was good. Eric got me an hour long massage, which was so needed and great. Then we went out to eat and stopped by his parent's house for cake and ice cream :)
Eric's teacher assisting is going good. He gets stressed and frustrated sometimes, but I think that can happen with any job. I just have to remind him of that:)
Not much else going on, I'll try to stay write more... :/ Oh, I'm on the last Harry Potter book! I blame him for absorbing my time hahaha. Good books :) Love you all!

1) Tree in neighboring park
2) Michigan roads at their finest
3) Hampton street (taken outside my house)
4) House Eric and I saw while taking a walk :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Metrodome pictures

I didn't think this was going to be a great picture, but it's one of my favorites. We were about midway up in the upper deck.
Joe Mauer behind the plate. I had to get the ALDS logo in one of my pictures. Yes, I got to see a post season game! Another check on the bucket list.

Empty seats after the game. My standard joke now is that the Metrodome is no longer home to any world champions. (The Vikings still play there).
This is what we woke up to on Monday morning. And it was still falling until we took off about noon. I got to drive through the city in the snow. Lots of fun. And no, nobody slows down for the weather. Thankfully, it turned to light rain shortly after getting out the sub burbs. After St. Cloud, there wasn't any rain and all the snow everyone got that morning had melted.
We had lots of fun at the game, although it would have been nice if the Twins had won. I will miss that ugly old dome. After the game they dug up home plate and then started on the pitcher's mound. They also took all the bases. And we got to see someone run onto the field in the 9th inning. I don't think I have ever seen that at the dome. We took the transit to the game again, which is the best way to get there and back. It's so nice not having to drive downtown. We stayed in Bloomington, close to the Mall of America. We went to the mall for a short time on Monday. We did a little shopping and had lunch before leaving. Fred had to work Monday night and we missed our brats. I think Grandpa and Grandma had fun with them, but wore them out!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009