Friday, December 18, 2009

Wedding Website

Hey I've created a wedding website through Here's a link. There's still a lot that needs to be done, but have a look :)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wedding Plans...

Hey sisters,

So Eric and I went to look at the Reception site that we reserved today. I absolutely LOVE it! Here's a link:

The shelter (pictured) sits on a hill overlooking the lake. There's a front and back porch with overhangs. There is also a big stone fireplace, kitchen, and nice clean restrooms. For seating, there are 18 varnished picnic tables, which we are hoping will be enough :/ For the children, there's a playground a few feet away! I'm really excited to decorate! Here are a few ideas I've got:

Want to do this SO bad! Eric's sister does wood burning also, so I want to get our names and the date burned into the side!!


Paper Chains!

Photo Display

Simple DIY Projects!!

For flowers I think I might to Hydrangeas :D Colors are finalized. Bridesmaids: light gray short dresses with light pink waist sash. Groomsmen will have darker gray suits with a light flat green tie :) So light pink and light green. Uuuum other than all that not too much finalized.

A note about the reception: We will be responsible for clean up and have to be out by 10p. Which means we need to start the party as early as possible :P But oh well. We will be having an open bar. 3 kegs, wine, and some liquor :P We will have Michigan wines and beers with the exception of Miller Light (this is for you Dad). :P For dinner, we are thinking buffet style rather than plates. We contacted a caterer today who does some good homecookin'. Things are falling into place, and I'm excited. I'll send out all the bridesmaids info and contacts soon, so you can start some planning also. We are still working on getting Eric's best man back into the country before June 5th. There might be the possibility that this might not happen... His current plane ticket is for the 10th and there usually aren't refunds on tickets, so hopefully the stupid airline will except our wedding as an emergency, which is the only reason they'll refund. Errr...

Well, I'm going to start wrapping xmas presents. Take care everyone!