Monday, June 20, 2011

Side table remake

This is a side table I got at the auction. Nobody was bidding on it so I took it for a buck. I didn't know what I wanted to do with it so I let Cordelia help me. She picked out the color. I wasn't too sure about her color choice, but I let her pick it so I had to go with it.

I got the basket at Hobby Lobby on clearance for $5.00. It looks so cute with Cordelia's color choice. Now I'm happy she picked that color.

I also let Cordelia pick out the drawer knob. Like any good repurposer I have an assortment in my crafty stash waiting to be used someday. I got this knob at Michael's last winter in their dollar section! So for about $10 Cordelia has a little table for her room once we get the boys out of it.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


This was one of my favorite buys from the auction this past weekend. I bought it on the spur of the moment even though I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it. I just knew I needed to have it. I spent $7.50 on it. Dad laughed because mom just bought one the other day at a rummage sale. I had no idea. Great minds think alike, right? It took me about 5 minutes to come up with this idea. It's going on Rion's desk in his new industrial themed room. Propeller pencil holder:

P.S. Rion loves it!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Activity center centerpiece

This is a project that has been on my mental checklist for years. I saw it some where years ago, but I'm not sure where. I figured this would be an easy project to accomplish because who uses lazy susans anymore anyway? So finally after years of searching I found a lazy susan at the good old Lincoln rummage sales for a whole buck. A coat of primer and two coats of chalkboard paint and the kids have a cool little centerpiece for their activity table (which I now need to find since they don't officially have one). And I'm so happy about the tin with crayons. Mom has one and I've been jealous of it forever. Got it at the auction this weekend for $2.50 with a box full of other fun junk. And the paper around the little candle holder with the chalk in it is from an old Golden Dictionary (that I got at one of my favorite sales- the library's used book sale) that I just copied and taped around it.