Monday, October 6, 2008

Memorial bridge coming down

Today they took out the first section of Memorial Bridge. Grandpa and Grandma picked up Torii and watched the implosion by the river. Fred Rion was in school, but I showed him video of it when he got home. I watched it from the top of a blockhouse at Fort Lincoln. It was pretty cool. From where I was I saw the flash of the explosives, dust, and then about 10 seconds later a loud boom. We weren't expecting the boom and everyone jumped. It was really loud even that far out of town. Fred said the windows in the house shook. Dad took these pictures. If you want to see more go to They have video posted and some good Sky Spies photos of the bridge coming down.


Laurie said...

wow! Thanks for sharing. What did Torii think?

Kelly said...

Wow, I love the pictures! That's so cool yet brought a tear to my eye.

Stacy said...

Torii really didn't think much of it. Rion thought it was really cool.