Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bats! Why'd it have to be bats?

So summer is in full swing. The weather is getting nice, but I still haven't made it to the beach yet :( I have been working a fair amount of hours at Bombay and I've been making good money. I got a sixty dollar tip one night for a large table. It was a nice feeling to make that amount in less than an hour! :D WGVU is going well. I work there once a week and then whatever other hours I can pick up. In July, I plan on working the Field of Flight Festival again, which is the one where I got to go up in the hot air balloon. It's usually a lot of fun. OH!... I almost forgot... the show last year won an Emmy! So now I can put "Emmy award winning" on my resume! Yay! Speaking of resume stuff, some of my footage for my internship might be used in a full-length PBS special. That would be cool! I've been having difficulties with organizing all my crap though and getting a crew together. Some of my film/video friends are interested in the production and one has already committed, so that is good. The communications professor that I'm working with and has the PBS connection offered to help me with the interviews and art direction so it's more "PBS material" and I said that would be awesome, but I had already asked some of my friends (and colleagues). I just hope we can do a good enough job. We've all graduated, and I know they do great work, so I guess I'm putting the people I know ahead of people I don't and have never worked with. I hope that's a good move? I'd just feel like I'd betray my friends if I told them that I was going to work with "professionals" instead of them. So yeah... wow. That consumes my life right now. Wow.
I have also ate a lot of Indian food lately. Go figure haha. Sooo good though. I wish I could mail everyone some haha. Looks like you'll just have to come to Michigan! :D I've also been doing yoga every morning for about 15 minutes. It's awesome! I don't really drink coffee anymore because of it, which is really great. Plus it's helped me feel really good lately both mentally and physically. It's great and I recommend it to anyone! Awesome way to start the day!
Craziness in the house lately. A couple of weeks ago we found a bat flying around in our attic one night. Nothing ever really came of it until two nights ago. We thought the bat left. Nope. So I went to go to sleep one night and felt something moving around under my sheets. Something furry and web-like. Startled, I jumped out of bed. I listened and heard a faint chipping. Holy s@*#! There's a bat in my f*@$&%^ bed!!! Craziness bestowed the house as I let my roommates kill it. We finally got it to stop moving, but bats never die apparently, so we set it outside in a bucket. It was gone in the morning. So either it's going to come back in vengeance or another animal took it. Needless to say, the attic door stays shut for now on!
Eric and I are doing good. In a couple weeks, he starts a job at a Parks and Rec program. I think he's excited because he can leave his current job. We'll also be able to spend more time together since we work opposite shifts right now. So yay!
My friends and I are planing a camping trip for sometime at the end of July, so that should be fun. I do need to make it to the beach soon though! I need a nonstressful day! I also need to get my tan on. Eric works outside and so I look so incredibly pale next to him :( hahah. oh well I guess. Oh and I have a couple current pictures to share. My friend Kristen snapped them the other day (I should be smiling though) Anyways, I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer!!! OH! and GO WINGS!


Stacy said...

You need to call because I have so many comments. In short:

Emmy award winning-cool!


Go Penguins!

Kelly said...

Holy Crap! What the "blank" "blank" is right! Oh icky!
I do like the pics of you and eric. Looks like out of a magazine. Cute cute.

Kelly said...

Oh and way to go on the emmy. Good luck with the video crew. Hope it all comes together the way you want it. :)