Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hot wing pizza

This is my new favorite kind of pizza. I thought it was going to be very hot, but it wasn't bad. Once everything mixed together it was really good. I used blue cheese dressing, but the recipe said you could also use ranch instead of blue cheese. From Taste of Home magazine.

3 boneless skinless chicken breast halves (5oz each)
1 Tbsp steak seasoning
1/2 cup tomato sauce
2 Tbsp butter
2 Tbsp Louisiana-style hot sauce
1 Tbsp hot pepper sauce
1 prebaked Italian bread shell crust (14 oz)
1/3 cup blue cheese salad dressing
1/2 cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese
3 green onions thinly sliced

Sprinkle chicken with steak seasoning on both sides, grill covered over medium heat for 4-7 minutes on each side or until juices run clear. Cool slightly, cut into strips.

In a small saucepan, bring the tomato sauce, butter, hot sauce, and pepper sauce to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered for 10-15 minutes or until slightly thickened. Add chicken, heat through.

Place crust on a 12 inch pizza pan, spread with salad dressing. Top with chicken mixture, cheese and green onions. Bake at 450 degrees for 8-10 minutes or until cheese is melted.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Finally Moved in!

"Hi, I love to show off my Tigger!"

Heidi likes to reach for her new toy, Roly Poly Penguin that makes music. I think it helps with her tummy time otherwise she hates to be on her tummy if the penguin isn't playing. (something to watch and reach for).

Picture is at a Round a' bout turn on our street.

Heidi absolutly loves her Tigger. She loves to chew on it and play with it. I happened to have the comera in my hand and saw her staring at me like this with the Tigger in her mouth. I tried to grab it and she wouldn't let go. She sounded like a puppy with his rope and making the grrrrr sounds. It was so adorable.

Brian chopping the weeds in our yard. These weeds were maybe the tallest ones we had or some were just a little taller and really thick. Poor brian was so tired.

Daddy and Heidi taking it easy Sunday morning and watching Sword in the Stone. Mommy put this movie in on purpose because she knew it was daddy's favorite movie so, they both were quiet and content. Ha ha! Mommy got some laundry and cleaning done then.

I can't believe how time has already flown by! We are already into the second week of September and in almost in a month we will be in Europe! So we are un-packing the house and then packing again before we know it.
Well we are finally all moved in! Brian and Rob went to the townhome on saturday to do a big cleaning job. They finished cleaning it and now all we have left is some small paint touch ups. Brian and I agree that we really owe Rob with nice gift or need to do something for him because he has helped us so much with moving while I helped as much as I could with Heidi. I'm still a little stressed from all the moving and getting back into being settled into a new home. At least the cats are no longer fighting and they are getting along great! Victoria actually loves to sit on the couch that is by the staircase and sit on top of the couch like a gargoyle to watch gingham come up the stairs and then "attack!" She's so silly. I think they like the new place.
Heidi is doing well. Last night was a very long day and night. I'm pretty sure she is starting to get her teeth in and they are bothering her. She didn't take much of a nap yesturday and then she was up past midnight. Poor baby. I have given her some tylenol once in awhile to help. She doesn't like to take a cold nuke at all. It just makes her more upset. Once in awhile she likes the teethers but only if she wants it or not. She was doing well on saturday so I could do some grocery shopping but then all of a sudden threw her teether at the canned peas and screamed! I guess she doesn't like peas.
Well I better get some organizing done before Heidi wakes up from her nap and then I have to get ready for work tonight. Another late shift. Ugh.