Tuesday, November 24, 2009

SO excited!!

So yeah, this is the best picture I could get. It's too shinny to take a good close up hahaha! It's sooo pretty though. I like how it's asymmetrical and just really interesting to look at :) Plus, it's nice and simple. Perfect! I'm sure I'll be posting more info/pics soon. We know right now that we will be having the wedding in Grand Rapids and sometime in June or July.
I am so extremely excited. It's a feeling unlike any other. Last night at work I was so giddy that I jokingly told my coworkers that I'd probably drop some food. What do I do? I spill two dishes all over myself hahahaha! the funny thing is that I didn't even care! I had to explain to some of my tables that I was forgetting/dropping things because I got engaged last night hahaha. They were more than understanding hahaha. Got some good tips too ;)
Tonight we are telling Eric's parents. They are going to flip! I can't wait!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

it's so beautiful sis! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you two. ;)