Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Chair redo

There is a couple of thrift stores close enough to work that I've become quite a frequent shopper. I stop at least once a week during my lunch break. Last week I saw this ugly chair at one thrift store. It was only $4.50, but not knowing immediately what I would do with and also to avoid the wrath of Fred who thinks there is enough projects in the garage, I let it sit. That afternoon I knew exactly what I would do with it. The next day was pure torture as I waited for my lunch break. Thankfully it was still there and I snatched it up. And viola, here it is. I made the little table a chalk board and found some cute fabric for the chair. I'm pretty proud of the piping I did on the top part of the chair. It's not perfect, but it was my first time using piping and I did a pretty good job.

When I bought this I really didn't have any intention to keep it, but I noticed a place in my bedroom where it would fit perfectly. I like it too much to give it up right now.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

so cute! If I were a kid, that would be fun to sit and just write all over.