Friday, May 25, 2012

Actor tag

I’ve seen some movies lately that I’ve realized can all be stringed together by the actors in them. I’m going to call it “actor tag”. It’s kind of like a “Six degrees of Kevin Bacon” game. It all started when I saw “Water For Elephants”. Of course, the book was better, but I did enjoy the movie. What I really enjoyed was Christoph Walz as August. He was brilliant and I had to look him up at IMDB. This led me to “Inglorious Bastards” in which he won an Oscar for his role. I liked the movie, but once again Walz was incredible and definitely deserved the Oscar. He’s a German actor, but I hope he’ll continue to appear in more American movies because I’ll see anything he’s in. I didn’t mean for this actor tag streak to continue, but the next movie I saw, “X-Men First Class”, also stars Michael Fassbender who appeared in “Inglorious Bastards”. I didn’t care for the last couple of X-Men movies that came out, but this one is outstanding. I loved getting everyone’s backstory and the actors were great too. (And Kevin Bacon is in it. Ha!). As I was once again on IMDB, trying to figure out where I had seen James McAvoy (first Narina movie) before, I noticed Jennifer Lawrence was in X-Men. I did not realize that was her. So I’m taking it as a sign that I need to see The Hunger Games. I wonder how long I can keep this actor tag game going?

1 comment:

Kelly said...

That's funy how it all comes together. That would be fun to do with old movies too.