Friday, June 8, 2012

Tid bits

Hi sisters! I have a random post. Eric and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary this month! We went out to eat at a fairly new microbrewery called Brewery Vivant. It was ah-mazing! A real treat, that's for sure. We had a very upscale version of one of my favorite snacks, which is cheese and crackers with fruit preserves on it (usually cherry). All or most of their food is also locally bought so everything was amazingly fresh. The cheese appetizer included a cheddar that was aged 8 years and a blue cheese that you could eat totally plain (can you imagine that? lol) Anyways, my cheap version is the garden triscuits, with cream cheese and cherry preserves. I demand you all try it! :-) Ok, getting back to the anniversary. Dinner was really great (as you probably gathered). Fabulous food, and fabulous beer. Afterward we went home and watched Alien :P Anyone going to see Prometheus??? I am! Really excited about this one! On our actual anniversary date, we prepared a dinner at home since I had to work, but it turned out really great. Just not the food, but our conversation too :) Also, we've been sitting on the porch a lot.

The house hunt continues, but we're feeling optimistic. Stacy, I liked what your posted on my wall. Grand Rapids definitely has some amazing properties for decent prices especially when you consider what this city has to offer. We are looking at three more house this evening, then we are hoping to look at another property that we are really interested in some time later next week. The one we're excited about sits on 3.36 acres.
The cats are still goofballs. We've had them a year now! Nibbler's hobbies include watching squirrels, chewing through wires, and exploring the front porch.

Tiger likes to lay with mommy, beg for food, lick toes, and drink from the facet.

Ray Bradbury. I know he was old, but I was still bummed when we passed away. The weird thing is that, a couple days before he passed, I just started reading some more of his short stories after I ended The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Series. Anyways, I love Bradbury's short stories. If you can find Kaleidoscope on the Internet anywhere you should read it. It's so good. It's just so elegantly written. Honestly I never really cared for Fahrenheit 451 and 1984 was OK. But, I am all about everything else of his I've read. I can tell he was a direct influence for so many other sci-fi greats.

Last but not least. I've become a pro at the breakfast sandwich. OK not really, but I made this one this morning. Notice the running yolk. Just the way I like it. I used, a wheat English muffin, egg, ham, and American cheese. Not the healthiest, but who really cares. Happy Friday everyone! Miss you and love you tons!


Kelly said...

Sounds like a great way to spend your anniversary! The kitties are getting so big! I love the squirrel pic. Funny. Happy house hunting! I found a article in Brian's This Old House magazine about Grand Rapids homes and how deals there are great.Even for the larger older homes. Sounds like G.R is the place to be for home buying now. :) MIss you too. Hugs!

Laurie said...

Yeah, I saw that This Old House issue. I would love one of those old homes but it would have to have some major renoravation already done to it or be dirt cheap. After leaving a few there are sacrifices you pay for the wonderful charm of those houses: i.e. air conditioning, screens on windows, large drafty windows, mice and bats, old electrical outlets, etc. It's sad, cause you know how much fun it'd be to fix up those homes! When it's done properly, you have one amazing house. Also, the next time you make it out here, we will have to tour the Frank Lloyd Wright house. I've seen pictures and it is absolutely stunning!

Stacy said...

Cute pictures of the cats! Love them!
From the Onion after Bradbury died: "Following Ray Bradbury's Death, Thousands Of People Buy Kindle Version Of Book About Demise Of Paper Books" :)
And P.S. 1984 is by George Orwell

Laurie said...

Oh good call! Oops!