Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!!
A couple nights ago we went to a costume party. Lesley and I were Thing 1, and 2 one night, and the following night I was witch, and Lesley was a Lego. lol. It was really fun to make Lesley's Lego costume. I will post pictures eventually.
Well I suppose, I better get back to writing my paper on "bipedal evolution theories". lol. Sounds fun, huh? I hope everyone has a fun day, and gets a lot of candy!! :)
Friday, October 26, 2007
My favorite season
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Torii and Cordelia
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Cordelia Pearl
Cordelia is a pretty quiet baby, but I did get some video of her crying. Then you can see and hear her. The boys are doing real good with her. Torii is my little helper. Fred Rion doesn't really hang out too much with the baby. Cordelia had a doctor's appt. yesterday and she is doing just fine. Torii came with and he helped me at the doctor's office. When we got into the doctor's office I finally figured out why he wanted to go with so bad. He always gets cookies from the doctor. This time he also got a little bag of candy for Halloween.
Norma and Hank were here for three days. They got to spend some time with the boys. I wish they would have left the house some with the boys, but I couldn't get them to go out. Norma's kind of different when it comes to the boys and the baby. I guess I'm used to a more involved Grandma.
So we are getting settled in. Cordelia and I are trying to get into a schedule and I'm still trying to figure her out when it comes to eating and sleeping. Fred is doing good with the boys. He's out with Fred Rion now so it's just Torii, Cordelia and I. Cordelia is sleeping, but she should be getting up soon. I have a really cute pic of Cordelia and Torii, but I don't know when I'll get that posted. I'm just glad I could get this video up.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Emergency Room?Not Quite.
Yesturday when Brian and I were cleaning the apartment, I started to clean a little more in the bathroom. I noticed our toothbrush holder was pretty grimmey and it can be hard to clean being the silver metal ring around the glass holder is pretty tight. So, I thought since I have never tried to take the metal top off of it to clean, I tried to twist it off, nothing. I then tugged a little on it and suddenly it came loose and my right hand quickly slammed against the bathroom sink with the heavy glass holder coming against the other side of my hand. So, basically my pinkey finger was wedged in between the glass holder and sink. OUCH! I had to think for a second in shock, thinking, "that should have hurt a little." So, when I was putting the holder back together, I looked down at my right hand and my pinkey finger was black and blue, bleeding and about the size of my thumb. Then my right hand started to shake a little in pain. Brian quickly said to put ice on it and put pressure on the wound. I thought I was going to the emergency room because it looked aweful. Within seconds, my pinkey was the size of my thumb and black as it could be. I can still use my finger and everything seems to work just fine. I think I may have jammed it up pretty good. I can't really bend it all the way right now, because it feels stiff and it's still black and blue around my knuckles. But, at least it's not the size of thumb anymore, just a little swollen. This morning I forgot about the little incident with it bandaged up and after taking my shower I was going to dry my hair, I grabbed for the hair dryer and comb with my right hand and almost dropped it because I felt the pain on the right side of hand. It would be just like me to drop the comb or hair dryer on my toes too! Then I would be limping my way to the hospital sooner or later.
Laurie, I think you're right, I haven't injured myself like this for awhile so I think I was over due on one. Ha Ha Ha.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Baby update
Yesterday Fred's cousin was in town for a job interview. We went out to eat with her and her dad at Jacks. Torii didn't eat as much as he usually does which we thought was weird. He was so tired that he fell asleep after he was done eating.
The boys are watching Scooby Doo. They have a bunch of old ones on in the morning. Right now is the Scooby Doo movies with special guests Sonny and Cher. I love these episodes.
And just a little rant before I go. I wish the media would shut up about Britney Spear's weight. I saw a magazine cover the other day that said she was 160 pounds! Hello, she's had two kids. I was almost that weight before I got pregnant again and it's actually a healthy weight for my height. The media makes her look like she is obese and disgusting. I'm so sick of it. I saw a picture of her from her MTV comeback and yah, she had a little pouch tummy, but so what. I thought she still looked good, especially after two kids. But I'm just sick of hearing about Britney in general and I wish the media would find something worthwhile to discuss.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Two things:
The first is the philosophy of dogs and cats:
You give a dog food, shelter, and love. He says, "wow, you must be a god!". You give a cat food, shelter, and love and he says, “wow, I must be a god!”
The second is a joke I heard (I think dad might like this one):
A college kid was walking through a fair one day. As he was walking with his friends he overheard a psychic. She relentlessly asked people "Who's next? Who's the next to get their fortune told?". Finally the man turned to the psychic and said, "you're the psychic! Shouldn't you know who's next???"
Monday, October 8, 2007
Try it!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Friday, October 5, 2007

Hey! I realize that I haven't posted anything in while. Here are some photos from my b-day. My friends baked me cake! It was really cute.. I even got to blow out 23 candles! My birthday was fun, and thanks for gifts everyone!! :) I can' wait to go shopping! :P
This week has been dreadfully busy! I'm in the middle of producing a documentary. It's about pet overpopulation in the Grand Rapids area. The hardest part is trying not to loose it at the over-crowded humane societies. My crew and I went on a shoot today form 8am to 4pm. I'm so drained now. There's more to do tomorrow too. It's kind of crazy. I think it's going to turn out really good though. I'm kind of excited. I'll keep you guys posted about the production.
Well, I thought I would just stop by and say a few things. I think I am going to go to bed early. I'm so tired haha. I will write more later :)
Love you all.