So after a very long week and weekend, I am finally getting settled into my new place. I officially moved in last wednesday. Mom and dad came on Thursday evening, so it was a bit chaotic getting my stuff semi-organized and decent in time for their arrival. I had a great time while they here though. On friday, we had a very successful day of rummage sale shopping and getting random items for my apartment. We found an awesome 1940's green chair for $10 and a really cool folding coffee table for 7. I could not let that chair sit there though. It's so cool. We also found some random shelves and kitchen items. The first thing I found was a wine rack for a buck. I now have a little mini bar in my kitchen :D I also got a free lamp, folding table, and pillow :P There were so many sales, it was insane! I also found a wonderful farmer's market close to my house. Later that night Eric and us moved my bed into my apartment. We were all pretty exhausted from the numerous trips up to my apartment, so we went out for drinks at the Friday's five blocks from where I live. It was a good visit, and dad wasn't too hard on Eric, except for when he called him dumb :P Just kidding dad! But no really, he did. He also told him the "sailor" math problem (Eric is a math major). He came up with a theory, but unsatisfied with the answer, came up with a new one on Sunday *rolls eyes*. On saturday, mom, dad and I went to Lansing to do some antique shopping. The day was turning up little finds until our last stop. I found a loveseat! It was priced right, and in good condition. We managed to fit it into the CRV, but I had to sit in between mom and dad in the front all the way back to Grand Rapids (about an hour). It was pretty funny. In Lansing, I brought mom and dad to a really great burrito place called, Big Ten Burrito where they serve you burritos so big you cannot finish them. They enjoyed it. After moving my loveseat up to the sixth floor we relaxed with some amaretto and coke. Sunday, we went to Get Smart, and I drug Eric along. After the movie, I made supper for everyone, and we relaxed some more. It was a good visit for everyone, and it was really nice to see mom and dad! :) I miss my sisters now!!! Anyways, here are some pictures of the apartment. Enjoy :)
Moving stuff into the kitchen...

Stuff... eric and I cleared a path to the tv cause we wanted to watch a movie and have pizza and beer after moving in all my crap on wednesday

Finished product:

My awesome 10 dollar chair and seven dollar coffee table :D

My loveseat! My bedroom is in the background, but not ready for pictures :P

I like the kitchen floor, and of course the hardwood :D

The bathroom... it extends to the right where the you will find a sink and tile shower.

Southern exposure. Note all the church steeples. It really neat when the bells ring.

Western exposure. The big building closest to the front is the public library.

View from the sixth floor