Hey! How was everyone's Halloween weekend? I know Stacy has been very busy... Glad you are finally home with your family :) I will call you tomorrow to see how everything is going :) Thought I would give you some time to relax :)
This weekend was pretty eventful. Lots of Halloween fun. I couldn't really think of a costume this year so I just went as a witch :) Eric was a cowboy. On Friday his band had their cd release show so we did that and then went out to a Halloween party. On Saturday their band played at a house, which was really fun. Good times :)
School is going well. Everything is getting pretty busy. Alternative Breaks is keeping me busy too. I found out that Im going to Cape Charles, Va. It looks pretty cool. You should google map it, it's in a neat area. This picture is of all the site leaders this year.

Oh! I almost forgot... but I'm moving out of my apartment :( I'm kind of sad because I like it A LOT, but I got offered to live with some friends, which would cost me half of my current rent soooo I can't really pass it up. Plus, I'll have the internet again, so I can start blogging more again! :) I'm not looking forward to moving all my crap again, but I guess it will be worth it. I really love the house and the people I'm moving in with :) Kind of excited, but I will miss my apartment :)
Well not much else. Hope all is well with everyone!!
P.S. Happy voting tomorrow!