Hey hope everyone is doing well. I've been busy since classes started again, but it has been nice. I don't mind being occupied with school work... well sometimes :P Classes are going well though. I have my anthropology capstone this semester, which is kind of stressful because it's quite challenging, but the topics are interesting and it's only once a week :D I also have another anthro class that is kicking my butt. To deter away from the difficult classes, I am taking a "history of documentaries" class. Super fun.
It's been really cold here. Really cold. I am sure you can relate. I feel like I need snowpants.
I've been working here and there, which keeps me busy too. I've been sort of thinking about what to do come May. I need an internship to graduate, so I've been looking into that. After that, not sure. Maybe I'll just go to school for the rest of my life haha. Excited about being done with my undergrad though... nervous too. :P
On saturday, I went to Gran Torino. See it. It's one of the best movies I've seen a awhile. There are a few others I want to see too. Want to see Slumdog Millionaire, Revolutionary road, Frost/Nixon, The Wrestler, and others I can't think of. I feel like there are so many to see right now. On tuesday, one of the theaters in town is showing Space Odyssey :D I have to go to it. It plays at 545pm and I get out of class at 430p. haha. I'm going to have to rush out of there to make it on time, but it will be worth it. In this situation- What I wouldn't give to be back in smaller town. Oh well.
Still enjoying my living arrangement. We all get along really well and have lots of fun.

Got some photos developed. Here's Eric and I at the Leinenkugel's brewery :) I hope everyone is well :)