Miss victoria is tired after a long day with heidi. Heidi sure keeps victoria on her paws!

Hope everyone is having a great valentines weekend. To me, this holiday is just another day. I just like to look at the cute items for kids and can't wait for when heidi gets bigger to color or draw her valentines. So cute.
I of course didn't want anything for valentines day, I just wanted to get heidi a stuffed animal or two to add to her numerous amount that she already has. Plus a new shirt. I found some cute shirts for her for st patty's day. I love old navy's baby section. I only allow myself to go there once a month and buy two or three items for her and myself. That store can be dangerous.
I did get the best Valentines gift. I had my last day of work on Friday and it felt great! I am working from home towards the end of this month until the new sales person is comfortable. It's only fair to my owner who I really appreciated her help. It will be so much easier for me to work from home on some things I can do while heidi is napping. So I am thinking about 12-15 hours a week at the most. We'll see.
Gingham is doing well. She has been so sick and not eating. We were afraid that we would have had to put her down. The vet said she has Kitty irritable bowl syndrome and a skin infection. The vet said it was probably brought on by stress which could have very well been with all the moving that poor kitty has been through. The doctor recommended Science Diet kitty food which will be more sensitive to her tummy and she can gain her weight back. So now we have some nice expensive kitty food for her and she's eating it down. We are trying to give her more attention and have her sleep with us or keep her upstairs with us. Gingham is getting better and victoria is now playing with her more often. They love to chase each other up and down the stairs. Reminds me tigger and winnie now. So cute.
I can't believe in two months heidi is one year old! Goodness how time flys! Then after her birthday, we will be on a flight to Michigan! Crazy. We are going to have such a busy summer. We have heidi's birthday, we need to get our yard in place according to our sub division rules after a certain closing time so we have to have it done, then off to michigan, then off to The Gross reunion the following week of laurie & eric's wedding (if we can make it) in bismarck, and if we can't get home to bismarck for the reunion and then off to florida before or after the wedding to see one last shuttle launch before they retire them. Ugh. So much to think about to little time. i'm so thankful to be able to be home to get some things put together and see what we could do this summer. If I still had to work, I really think I would be going nuts later!
Haven't posted anything on this wall for a long time so I hope all is well with everyone! Take care and looking forward to more information on the wedding! Can't for the big event of the year! It's going to be fun. Miss everyone. Love Kelly