Sunday, August 31, 2008

Gross Family trip

Cute old looking bus for yellowstone tours.(we didn't go on it)
We hiked to the bottom of the Upper Falls. I think there were over 300 stairs to walk down to, and then we of course had to get back up. My legs hurt the next day but it was worth it.

Lower falls in Yellowstone with pretty rainbow.

This is the start of our rafting trip in Jackson.
One of the 4 bald eagles we saw along the river.(you click to enlarge)
Floating along the snake with the teton's in the background.
This was our starting point of the rafting tour.

Another fun time with family and we are all so tired. We did so much while Joe, Meredith and Jennifer were here. These pictures start with our trip to Yellowstone park and to some of the falls we went to see. We did see some wildlife of course and had to take pictures of the buffalo and elk; like we haven't seen them before. But it was neat to see them in their natural habitat i guess. The weather the whole week was so great! Just perfect to be outside and not to hot or cold.

We also went to Jackson Hole again and went on a rafting tour. We traveled on the snake river for 15 miles and we made a pit stop for a dinner along the river that was included in our fee we paid. It was a wonderful dinner and everything was worth the price we paid. It was so gorgeous the entire trip on the river and so relaxing. The tour guide was telling us about the area the whole time and where all the stars live and what the houseing market is around the area. But the best part was learning about the birds we would see; there were some unique birds around and any other wildlife we would ask about, he would know. He was a great tour guide. We even saw 4 bald eagles during our trip. One of the bald eagles was flying over us and the tour guide said it was a baby so we will see the parents along the way because they stick close together.

We went to Crater's of the Moon again and we got there pretty late because the park does events in the summer called "A Star Party." Basically a bunch of people who can afford big telescopes will fill one side of the park and star gaze all night. Some friends of ours camped there overnight and we drove home that night. Anyway, we met a few people from N.D and met another guy who knows quite a bit about the constellations and galaxy's to look at and it was fun to look at some things in the bigger telescopes. Very neat! Plus, Craters of the moon is so far out in the booney's, the sky was lit up in stars, we saw so many shooting stars and a slight meator shower. But, before the whole star party started, I wanted to show Joe, meredith and jennifer the Indian Cave before it got dark so we walked to it just in time and as we were walking through the cave, I said"Oh look Jennifer, there's the swallows or pigeons we saw last time!" So, jennifer and I are doing our "oh so cute" thing and then we paused a bit because these birds were swooping down to our heads like we were close to a nest or something. Brian said "ummm those aren't birds, those are bats." What???!!. So, we ran to the one side of the cave where brian and dad went out and we went to explore that area to get out. As we were just about out, I heard a russeling sound again, and brian said he made that noise, then once again the bats were flying right above our heads and flying in front of our faces. I could only think of Goonies movie when they were walking through the cave and yelling "Rabies, Rabies!" Anyhow, it was fun but the bats I really didn't like. They are just ugly and annoying.

Well, I better quit before this gets to long. I have to get to work soon and I will call everyone soon to catch up.


Stacy said...

Ok, you are seriously freaking me out. You better not have been on a rafting trip with lots of rapids. And from now on no hiding behind people in pictures.

Lots of neat pictures. It is so beautiful in your part of the world.

Laurie said...

yeah! What were doing on rapids?? Looks like you all had a great time :) Every time I see your vacation pictures I want to come visit you!

Kelly said...

The rapids were really not rapids at all, only a few little ones here and there. The tour was just a relaxing tour to float along the water and enjoy the scenery. But I would love to go on the big rapids sometime and experience that.