Monday, December 15, 2008

Let it snow

For once we have beat Fargo. We got 12 inches Saturday night. I can't remember what Fargo got, but I know it wasn't in double digits. We have some very impressive drifts in our driveway and backyard. We did not go to Sunday school on Sunday. I'm not sure there was even Sunday school as many churches cancelled services. We stayed indoors the entire day. Many stores didn't even open on Sunday because of the weather. With two nasty storms this winter this is by far the worst winter Fred has experienced here. I am loving it. It's been a really long time. It is reminding me a little of the 96/97 winter. I will never forget that one. I made it to work today. The parking lot was full of deep snow. I made it to my office, although I had to do some shoveling just to get into the building. The roads have been cleared, but it is really cold. I'm not liking that so much. The schools didn't have recess outside today because of the dangerous wind chills. So we are inside staying warm. Now I'm just waiting for it to warm up a little so we can go sledding!


Laurie said...

I agree! Bring on the snow!! I want to go sledding and build snowmen with the kids all day then go inside and sit by the fireplace with hot chocolate!! :)

Kelly said...

Oh that does sound good Laurie! Make a reservation for me by the fire! :-) We should build a little fort. Remember the one in the backyard where we all could sit in it? That was so cool.