Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fun website

I just found a fun time waster. Here's the website: http://obamiconme.pastemagazine.com/ Basically you can upload your pictures and make them look like the famous Obama Hope poster. Lots of fun. I did two Cordelia pictures, but would like to do one each of the boys. Torii's will say Trouble on the bottom. I'll have to do that another day as it's getting late. You can also browse and look at other posters people have created. I did not make the Abide poster, I just thought Laurie would get a kick out of that one.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Here and There

Hey hope everyone is doing well. I've been busy since classes started again, but it has been nice. I don't mind being occupied with school work... well sometimes :P Classes are going well though. I have my anthropology capstone this semester, which is kind of stressful because it's quite challenging, but the topics are interesting and it's only once a week :D I also have another anthro class that is kicking my butt. To deter away from the difficult classes, I am taking a "history of documentaries" class. Super fun.

It's been really cold here. Really cold. I am sure you can relate. I feel like I need snowpants.

I've been working here and there, which keeps me busy too. I've been sort of thinking about what to do come May. I need an internship to graduate, so I've been looking into that. After that, not sure. Maybe I'll just go to school for the rest of my life haha. Excited about being done with my undergrad though... nervous too. :P

On saturday, I went to Gran Torino. See it. It's one of the best movies I've seen a awhile. There are a few others I want to see too. Want to see Slumdog Millionaire, Revolutionary road, Frost/Nixon, The Wrestler, and others I can't think of. I feel like there are so many to see right now. On tuesday, one of the theaters in town is showing Space Odyssey :D I have to go to it. It plays at 545pm and I get out of class at 430p. haha. I'm going to have to rush out of there to make it on time, but it will be worth it. In this situation- What I wouldn't give to be back in smaller town. Oh well.

Still enjoying my living arrangement. We all get along really well and have lots of fun.

Got some photos developed. Here's Eric and I at the Leinenkugel's brewery :) I hope everyone is well :)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Fun pics

Cordelia loves to sit in Fred Rion's Tonka truck.
I took this picture while Fred Rion was in school. I thought he would get really mad upon seeing it, but he thought it was cute. Well, he thought Pikachu was cute, but not those other people in the picture.
I have some cool snow pictures, but have to get the film developed. I do have a digital camera again so hopefuly I'll get pictures on here more often again. The boys and I spent two hours outside yesterday. I made a tunnel for them in one of the snow drifts. They played in that tunnel a long time. We made it to the backyard and there are huge drifts back there. I thought I was going to be so sore today, but I wasn't. It will probably hit me tomorrow. We also saw the neighbors out and the boys played with them some too. It was so nice out and it was good to get the kids out. We were going stir crazy. On Friday after school I also had Cordelia outside and she liked walking around and checking out the snow. One time she fell forward and got a face full of snow. She started to cry, but I was laughing at her. Poor thing, but it was cute.

West Yellowstone trip.

Brian and I went to West Yellowstone this weekend with some friends to get away. We were going to go to Jackson but we abviously found a better priced cabin and other things to do in Yellowstone than we would in Jackson.

We got a nice little condo/cabin to hangout in. Everyone was going cross-country skiing on saturday and I knew they would be gone for most of the day doing that, and I did want to go but not over do it. So, I decided not to go and I just wanted to relax this weekend and walk around town and take a drive to the Gallatine Mountain pass. Brian stayed with me while everyone else went skiing eventhough I told him many times to go with them. I know he would have fun with our friends skiing most of the day but he still wanted to stay with me. It was hard for him but he said he didn't want me by myself for most of the day. I think it was even harder to be in town with me because we saw more snowmobile's in the streets than regular vehicles driving around. I've never seen so many in a little area before. I think I saw a tear in his eye. I guess we will have to work into our budget somewhere to save up for a used one for next year. Poor guy.

So the pictures I'm posting are from our drive through the canyon pass of the Gallatine Mountain's. It was such a perfect day out and so gorgeous! The drive to West Yellowstone is about 2 hours from Idaho falls and then we drove on saturday through the mountians for about another 50 miles. It was really worth it. Perfect day. During our evening's at the cabin we played the game of "Life" and "Trival Pursuit." I think we had more fun with the game of Life because I thought it was pretty funny that we didn't have any kids at the end of the game and we still lost. Brian also brought the Red Eye liquor and gave everyone a few shots. I think they enjoyed it. I also brought sinach dip which is always a nice snack. Well I suppose that's about it from our trip.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas fun & my favorite photos.

Cordelia had so much fun at Mcdonald's.

Uncle Brian in the Snow in Napoleon.
I l oved my surprise baby shower! Thank you everyone! :-) Everyone at the Tumbleweed was so much fun!

I love my new hat. It keeps me warm. :-)

I love this picture of Cordelia. Looks like she's got "attitude."
"So it's like this...." ha ha
Hope Cordelia enjoys her blanket. :-)

Fred Rion with all his toys in the dump truck.

Victoria getting into the Christmas spirit.
I know I posted a lot of pictures but these are only a few of the ones I like. I printed them all out at walgreens and I made copies. So I have some pictures being sent to everyone. Oh and Laurie, "Victor, Victoria" movie is on it's way to you. Just be sure to send it home when your done, I think mom and dad want it back too. :-) he he. Hope all is well back home. We have had some nice weather around here but it's suppose to get really cold again.