Sunday, January 18, 2009

Fun pics

Cordelia loves to sit in Fred Rion's Tonka truck.
I took this picture while Fred Rion was in school. I thought he would get really mad upon seeing it, but he thought it was cute. Well, he thought Pikachu was cute, but not those other people in the picture.
I have some cool snow pictures, but have to get the film developed. I do have a digital camera again so hopefuly I'll get pictures on here more often again. The boys and I spent two hours outside yesterday. I made a tunnel for them in one of the snow drifts. They played in that tunnel a long time. We made it to the backyard and there are huge drifts back there. I thought I was going to be so sore today, but I wasn't. It will probably hit me tomorrow. We also saw the neighbors out and the boys played with them some too. It was so nice out and it was good to get the kids out. We were going stir crazy. On Friday after school I also had Cordelia outside and she liked walking around and checking out the snow. One time she fell forward and got a face full of snow. She started to cry, but I was laughing at her. Poor thing, but it was cute.


Kelly said...

such adorable pictures. Sounds like a goodtime outside. :-)

Laurie said...

I want to build a snow tunnel! :P