Monday, March 16, 2009

Snow pictures

That's Torii peeking out of a hole in the snow. It's been melting for a few days and we still have a lot of snow everywhere.
On Saturday Torii and Cordelia made a snowman with Grandpa. I think Maggie is eyeing the snowman. Grandpa said they used Oreos for the eyes and buttons, but Maggie and Gretchen ate them.

Cordelia exploring the winter wonderland.

Rion's birthday party and his friends from school. And Torii.

Cordelia at Snoopers.


Kelly said...

such cute pictures in the snow and snoopers. I love the snowman with oreos and I'm sure maggie did too!

Laurie said...

I can't believe you guys have that much snow yet! Looks like you are all having fun. The snowman looks great, and I love Rion's haircut!