Monday, March 30, 2009

Mommy's T.V Debute

I forgot that I was going to post something finally on here. About a week ago, I was volunteered by my boss to have a free meal in our restaurant at the hotel. Why not, right? I'm in the restaurant ready to sit down and the owner of "The London Cafe' " tells me that he's happy I can take the time to help him out with his tv commercial. Huh? Ok, my boss picks the worse day for me to be in a commercial. I felt aweful all day and I looked crummy. But I guess it was a free meal. I didn't have to say anything in the commercial, just sit and enjoy my fish n chips (which were very good).
When I came home that night, I told Brian that I will be in a commercial that was to help promote the restaurant. He was excited and said that's "cool," until I told him I was having lunch with another guy. So I won't be with my husband on tv. Uh oh. Ha ha! But the person I was having lunch with was a client who helps with rental equipment to our banquet rooms. I haven't seen the commercial yet because it's mainly on during daytime tv. I'll have to get a copy from the tv station if they will let me.

Not much else going on here. I won't be working any desk shifts anymore so that means no nights as of for now. Tonight I was able to watch some favorite shows. I had to watch "Big Bang Theory" and I was laughing so hard! I love this show. The character of Sheldon was quoteing a line from Star Wars and kept repeating it as if trying to get it perfect. Soooo, guess who says the same line over and over and over. I couldn't believe it. I just about peed my pants. Then later in the show Penny asked the guys if they are watching "Battlestar Galactica" today and I just about died laughing again! I have recently become addicted to the stupid show and have asked brian on occasions if we can watch it because I want to know what happens with the character of Starbuck or if they found earth yet. Oh my god. Also Penny started to give an example of a situation, and said "it's like in star wars when.....;" uh huh, been there too. And I have said the same thing that penny said, "where the heck did that come from???" I think the producers of "The Big Bang Theory," have a satellite homed in on brian and his friends and are making money off of them. The show is just to close to how is sounds when I'm hanging out with his friends in one big group. Creepy.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

That is so funny about the commercial.

Fred was watching Big Bang Theory tonight too and was laughing a lot.