Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Heidi Renae Gross

Kelly wanted me to post a picture before all 3 of us went to sleep, so here ya go! I am still in shock as to how incredibly how fast it went. I came home from work at 6:30 and she was starting to have weak contractions. By 9:30 they were 5 minutes apart and hurting, so I decided it was time to go to the hospital. She was at 4 cm once they checked her so we were certainly staying for the night. After some intense contractions, Kelly opted for the epidural and by the time the anethesiologist was finished she was going into active labor at 12:50. So that left only one hour from when she started pushing to when Heidi was born at 1:54am. She is 6lbs 12oz and 18.5 inches with some hair, blue eyes and a Gross/Seeberg schnaz. Time for some z's.


Stacy said...

Ohhhhhhh, she's so cute! Take care and I can't wait to meet her!

Laurie said...

Thanks for posting pictures! I can't wait to meet her either!