Thursday, September 22, 2011

Glitter bulbs

I saw this project somewhere last Christmas and have been picking up cheap bulbs when I see them at thrift stores. I think we made about 50 of them already and I know I have another big Ziploc bag in with my Christmas stuff yet. And yes, it may be too early to be doing a Christmas project, but most of my crafty stuff is currently packed up and I had picked these bulbs up the other day and really needed to do something crafty. This project is super easy. You will need bulbs (I bought a few strings and just unscrewed them from the string), school glue and glitter. I thinned the glue a little by mixing in a little water. Apply the glue, roll in glitter and you're done!

I even got a couple of helpers! This is a fun and messy project for kids. Torii said he likes arts and crafts. He's my junkin' and repurposing partner now.

Not the best picture, but you get the idea. When I saw this project, the crafter had put the bulbs in one of those tall, thin flower vases. I think they would look neat in a bowl too.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

that's great! Any plans for them now or are you just going to string them back on the wire?