Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I had a good time at Junkfest although I didn't find as much as I thought or maybe I hoped I would. Still I had a great time. Torii decided to go with me. He's becoming my junkin' partner. I wasn't sure about the patterns, but when I got home and got a better look at them, I was happy I got them. There are some cute little kid ones. There's a few apron ones I like too, which is what I really wanted.
Some of these things are from the rummage sales that we hit in Carrington after Junkfest. I think we had more success with the rummage sales.

This was my find of the day. It was also my first find. And four dollars! It is currently propped up in the corner on a cabinet in the bathroom until I find a better place for it.

I have a really bad junkin' bug now. I want to go find some more treasures. But until then, I've also got a major repurposing/crafting bug too and have been working on some projects. Hopefully I can get those done soon and I'll post pictures when I do.

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