Friday, November 11, 2011

Recent Movies

I've been watching a lot of movies this week since work has been slow. I have to say, it's been really refreshing. I used to watch movies all the time and I've realized it's something that's been lacking in my life.
I love movies! Also, I've been just watching movies (no multitasking!). I haven't been surfing the Internet, flipping through magazines, talking on the phone, nothing. Just watching. I find myself so distracted sometimes, mainly with the Internet (Facebook, Stumble Upon, news sites, e-mail, work e-mail, local sites... ugh). When is the last time you just relaxed with a bowl of buttery popcorn and took in a movie?

Anyways, here's what I've watched this week:
The Apartment
The Sting
The Princess Bride

Also, I found out the Sales position fell through because they can't bring anyone new on quite yet. There might be opportunities elsewhere though and numerous people know I'm looking for a permanent position in the company. Next week I'll be tagging along with a videotographer and editor for some training, which is ultimately where I'd want to be in the future (and my boss knows it!). In the meantime, happy movie watching!

P.S. If anyone see J. Edgar please tell me what you think!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Princess Bride is one our favorites. I do miss sitting and just watching a good show too. You are so right. Once logged onto the distracting. Bummer to hear about the sales position but at least your boss knows how interested you are. :)