Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Good reads

I finally got back into a book reading groove. It’s been awhile since I’ve read anything more than a magazine. It’s a good thing too, since a good book tends to keep me from going out to eat during the lunch hour. I always make sure to pack a lunch when I know I have a good book to read. Here’s two books you should read:
OK, so I jumped on The Hunger Games bandwagon and read the book. I was a little bored at first because I knew the basic plot, but once I got into a little, I really enjoyed it. I would really like to see the movie now. The boys want to see the movie, but I don’t think that will happen. Torii is also convinced that someone in his class is reading The Hunger Games. Who lets a second grader read that book? I mean, it’s about teenagers killing each other. I don’t think I’m overprotective, but it might be a few years before the boys are allowed to read that book or see the movie. Anywhooo….I really enjoyed the book and want to read the next two to see what happens. It’s nowhere as good as the Harry Potter books, but worth a read. And it’s an easy read so it takes no time at all to finish.

I’ve also been wanting to see The Help, but wanted to read the book first. I really enjoyed the book. There are so many great characters, good and bad. It takes place in 1963 and I believe the current season of Mad Men is in the same year. It was interesting how different the two are. Mad Men portrays the upperclass Madison Avenue culture, with some glances of the underground culture at times, while The Help is about Southern stay-at-home moms and the maids they employ. I watched the movie over the weekend, but didn’t really like it. I’m sure I would have liked it had I not read the book. The book is well paced and you get to know the characters a lot better. The movie felt rushed and many things happened at different times to move the story along. I also did not like a couple of things at the end of the movie that were totally different from the book and some of the characters back stories were completely left out of the movie. I know there’s only so much you can put in a movie, but I still didn’t care for it. Whether you’ve seen the movie or not, I highly recommend this book.


Laurie said...

Thanks Stacy! I've hearing a lot of suggestions to read The Help. Oh, and you know how I was saying that I was going to wait to read the 3rd of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo? That was a stupid thought haha. I finished The Girl that played with Fire today.

Stacy said...

The funny thing is that I posted this not long before you asked for book suggestions on Facebook. I knew you needed some book suggestions. I could just sense it!

Laurie said...

yeah, I thought that was SO weird! I admittedly haven't checked the blog in awhile, but my computer has also been out of commission for the past month. Expect a post from me soon :)