Today I tried to do some rummage sales with the kids, but that didn't go too well. Then we got the oil changed on the Blazer and then went to see the grandparents at an auction. I guess a 23 year old girl bought everything that was at the auction for $800. There was so much stuff, I can't believe she got it for that. The big item was a Nazi napkin with the initals AH on it and the eagle that dad said was only on Adolf Hitler's personal items. The napkin sold for $21,000! Now why can't I find a bunch of "junk" for cheap and then make a mint off of it? But I didn't see too much at the auction. I missed a pin that I really wanted and it went cheap. We weren't going to stay long but the boys were being so good that we stuck around for quite awhile. I would go to more auctions if they always were going to be that good. And dad was talking to Sarah Williams about Laurie, but that's all he said to me so I don't know what was said. You should go to an auction with him. I think he has ADD. He doesn't sit still.
I've watched parts of the Twins/Tigers games this weekend. Going for the sweep tomorrow. Laurie- I like Pudge too. I've liked him ever since he started playing. He's one of my favorite nonTwin players. Just wish he didn't play for the Tigers now.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
So Long Desk!

So I am all moved and what not. It was a really long day. I was exhausted by the end of the night, and getting up this morning for work was so hard!! We had to clean the entire place too. I am staying in a townhouse with three of our friends. Three other of our friends live next door too, so it's nice. After work today, I almost drove home to our old place (haha) opps! :P
Speaking of work, I operated the camel rides today, so it was pretty fun. I didn't really guide the camels, but I handed out the tickets and took the pictures and stuff. It was fun. It was nice to be outside rather than in the giftshop. There was also a baby camel that is 2 and 1/2 months old! It is soooo cute!!:) Anyways, not much else:)
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
I am done with my winter semester! It feels so nice to not have to worry about deadlines right now! I think all of my finals went well. I can't wait to find out my overall grades. My final for "Modes of Media Production" took me two hours to complete! I did find out my final grade for my "Image and Sound" class today. I got an A :) Seeee mom and dad your money is going to good use! hehehe :D
I started packing today. We get kicked out at 10pm Friday night. I am watching the White Sox/Tigers right now. Go Tigers! hehe.
I started packing today. We get kicked out at 10pm Friday night. I am watching the White Sox/Tigers right now. Go Tigers! hehe.
The boys and I had a pretty good weekend. It was nice out so we spent a lot of time outside. On Sunday I had to run out to work because I forgot my folder there and I had an article due for MOPS that day. So I took the boys with me so I could show them where I work. I should them everything and when I told Fred Rion, here is my computer, he asked, where are the games? Then we played on the bridge to the village for awhile because they were really impressed by that.
Today we had MOPS. We only have one more meeting before the fall. We always do something fun for the last meeting and for this one every table has to come up with a theme. We are doing hawaiian. I think I still have some things left from the bachelorette party so I'll have to find them. Someone suggested wearing old bridesmaid dresses and I thought that would have been a lot more fun. Although I would really have to squeeze into mine.
Laurie I saw Dr. Strangelove at Walmart for $4.88. I didn't know if you had it so I didn't pick it up. You should check it out.
I was listening to a cd today, see if you can figure out which one. But while listening to it I decided Jonas would be a cute name for a boy. So I checked out the name online and it means "a dove." I also checked out the lyrics online and I yah, I like the name. I bet you'll figure it out Laurie. If you get it right you get....nothing.
fred- Fred Rion spelled his name. mom, more spelling from Fred Rion and I think he is going to do more. Here you go. pop zat exit cat hat fat
Fred Rion and I went to Meet the Robinsons on Saturday. It was ok. It was in 3D so that was really neat. Fred Rion was ready to go 3/4 into the movie. When we were leaving the parking lot he said he needed to go potty, "I can feel it" he said. It was funny. He was really good and held it in until we got home, but he was really ready to go.
Fred Rion said my time is up. I'm all done he said.
Today we had MOPS. We only have one more meeting before the fall. We always do something fun for the last meeting and for this one every table has to come up with a theme. We are doing hawaiian. I think I still have some things left from the bachelorette party so I'll have to find them. Someone suggested wearing old bridesmaid dresses and I thought that would have been a lot more fun. Although I would really have to squeeze into mine.
Laurie I saw Dr. Strangelove at Walmart for $4.88. I didn't know if you had it so I didn't pick it up. You should check it out.
I was listening to a cd today, see if you can figure out which one. But while listening to it I decided Jonas would be a cute name for a boy. So I checked out the name online and it means "a dove." I also checked out the lyrics online and I yah, I like the name. I bet you'll figure it out Laurie. If you get it right you get....nothing.
fred- Fred Rion spelled his name. mom, more spelling from Fred Rion and I think he is going to do more. Here you go. pop zat exit cat hat fat
Fred Rion and I went to Meet the Robinsons on Saturday. It was ok. It was in 3D so that was really neat. Fred Rion was ready to go 3/4 into the movie. When we were leaving the parking lot he said he needed to go potty, "I can feel it" he said. It was funny. He was really good and held it in until we got home, but he was really ready to go.
Fred Rion said my time is up. I'm all done he said.
What an exciting Tigers/Angels game tonight haha. Tigers play Twins this weekend. I wanted to go so bad, but we are getting kicked out of our apartment on Friday. So that kind of presents a busy schedule. I'm also broke. lol. Luckly we have friends we are staying with until our new apartment is ready. I can't wait to live there! It will be nice :)
I can't wait to go to a baseball game!!
I can't wait to go to a baseball game!!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Image and Sound Pictures
Here are some pictures I took for my Image and Sound class awhile back. Move your cursor over the picture to see the full photo. I have one more final tomorrow and then I am done with this semester!! yay!
Also, the weather here has been fabulous! I hope it's like this when mom and dad come to visit! Oh, I also found a rather large antique shop just north of me :)
Also, the weather here has been fabulous! I hope it's like this when mom and dad come to visit! Oh, I also found a rather large antique shop just north of me :)
Saturday, April 21, 2007
What a beautiful weekend to have off from work! Today Brian and I went to the Farmers Market on the Capitol square. The weather here today is suppose to be around 77 degrees and a little breezy. What a gorgeous day to be outside. The farmers market is every saturday from 6am-2pm, rain or shine. Everyone has there fresh baked goods out, vegetables, fruit, jerky, and variety of flowers and crafts. And of course, when we made our way around the capitol to one certain spot, there's always somebody protesting something with thier tents. And this is the only area I saw police walking around. There wasn't anyone yelling out anything to protest, they just have their signs and booths out. So, I guess when it gets nice out, the crazy's will come back out.
Today, there is also a Engineering Expo going on. Brian will be working the booth for his group from 4pm-6pm and then everyone is having a poker/movie/drinking night.We stopped by to see some of his friends at the Expo and there are some neats things going on. Otherwise, that is about all from here. Just enjoying the gorgeous weather and a day off from work. I hope everyone has a great weekend! Love ya, Kelly
Today, there is also a Engineering Expo going on. Brian will be working the booth for his group from 4pm-6pm and then everyone is having a poker/movie/drinking night.We stopped by to see some of his friends at the Expo and there are some neats things going on. Otherwise, that is about all from here. Just enjoying the gorgeous weather and a day off from work. I hope everyone has a great weekend! Love ya, Kelly
Friday, April 20, 2007
Grilled peanut butter and banana split sandwich
If you ever get tired of plain peanut butter and jelly...
2 slices sandwich bread
1 tsp butter softened
1TB creamy peanut butter
2 tsp honey
1/2 tsp semisweet chocolate minichips
1 large strawberry thinly sliced
1/2 small banana, cut lengthwise into 3 slices
1 TB pineapple jam
Spread one side of each white bread slice with 1/2 tsp butter. Combine peanut butter and honey, spread over plain side of 1 bread slice. Sprinkle with chocolate chips; top evenly with strawberry slices and banana slices.
Spread pineapple jam over plain side of remaining bread slice. Carefully assemble sandwich.
Heat a small nonstick skillet over medium high heat. Add sandwich, cook 2 minutes on each side or until lightly browned.
2 slices sandwich bread
1 tsp butter softened
1TB creamy peanut butter
2 tsp honey
1/2 tsp semisweet chocolate minichips
1 large strawberry thinly sliced
1/2 small banana, cut lengthwise into 3 slices
1 TB pineapple jam
Spread one side of each white bread slice with 1/2 tsp butter. Combine peanut butter and honey, spread over plain side of 1 bread slice. Sprinkle with chocolate chips; top evenly with strawberry slices and banana slices.
Spread pineapple jam over plain side of remaining bread slice. Carefully assemble sandwich.
Heat a small nonstick skillet over medium high heat. Add sandwich, cook 2 minutes on each side or until lightly browned.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Torii got another bump at Grandpa and Grandma's house. That place is dangerous!
Anybody watch American Idol? Sanjaya is finally gone. I really like Blake and he was in the bottom three tonight. I was a little bummed.
It's less than a month before vacation! Torii is ready to go swimming. I pulled out all the summer clothes I bought for them on clearance last year and he took the swim trunks right away. He wants to go swimming now.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
My new DO
Monday, April 16, 2007
One for the fridge

I just got back from class, and I am happy to report that my harsh professor finally gave me my first A on a critical paper. My paper was 10 pages long and very well thought out, so I feel accomplished now (haha). Excuse the poor picture quality, but if you can't see that is 2,528 words! This was the paper on Female Representation in American and Japanese Animation. Whoot! I'm excited because this professor is so challenging! I hope the rest of my week goes this well!
Oh... lol! I was going to comment on how I had trouble even putting this on the fridge because none of our magnets would hold its massive weight. Note the clip.... lol .... school is fun:P
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Oh my gosh! Look what I started! haha. So I don't have a digital camera right now because I had to send it in for repairs. I caught it ten days before my warranty was up!! In the meantime, I have been taking pictures with my phone.
School has been going well. I have two more weeks left of this semester, so I am getting excited. I will have a week off before summer school starts. I have been writing a lot of papers, and doing a lot of reading. I just finished a paper discussing female representation in american animation versus japanese animation. It was quite interesting. My next big paper is for Anthropology. I get to pick my own topic so I think I am doing, The Effects of Consumerism on Pollution. I have taken a keen liking to Anthropology so I am perusing a minor in the field. I am going to be busy busy, but I think it is possible as long as I keep focused.
Work has also been going well. I work about two times a week at WGVU and then I also work in the Zoo's local gift shop. When the semester is done I am hoping to get about 30 hours a week there. Need to make some money.
I am excited to move into our new apartment. We will have a dishwasher, garbage disposal, washer, dryer, cable, and internet included in our rent. I am so excited about the appliances! I don't spend enough cash to get quarters for laundry, so this soon will not be a problem. Our little townhouse is cute, and close to campus. I will be homeless for a week or two, but we have friends we can stay with.
I went and saw the documentary, Jesus Camp the other day. If you haven't heard of this, it is about a children's summer camp for evangelists in Devils Lake, ND. The head of the organization also preaches in Bismarck/Mandan. If viewed with a liberal mind, this documentary is quite humorous! I highly recommend it if you ever get the chance to see it. I viewed it for free because it was playing in a building on campus.
This summer I plan on going to Madison (excited!!!), spending time with ma & pa, going to the beach, going to some film festivals, visiting with Ashley when see comes up here, and of course doing lots of work and homework.
This is sort of a bad picture of downtown Grand Rapids, but it is also a good one. There are some parts in Grand Rapids that are really nice, but there is also a lot of construction and renovation going on. You can see the construction going on here.
This is the building I work in. It is called the Eberhard Building and it a part of the downtown campus. I will also be having a class here this summer. It is located right along the Grand River.

Another beach photo. Strolling along the boardwalk..
School has been going well. I have two more weeks left of this semester, so I am getting excited. I will have a week off before summer school starts. I have been writing a lot of papers, and doing a lot of reading. I just finished a paper discussing female representation in american animation versus japanese animation. It was quite interesting. My next big paper is for Anthropology. I get to pick my own topic so I think I am doing, The Effects of Consumerism on Pollution. I have taken a keen liking to Anthropology so I am perusing a minor in the field. I am going to be busy busy, but I think it is possible as long as I keep focused.
Work has also been going well. I work about two times a week at WGVU and then I also work in the Zoo's local gift shop. When the semester is done I am hoping to get about 30 hours a week there. Need to make some money.
I am excited to move into our new apartment. We will have a dishwasher, garbage disposal, washer, dryer, cable, and internet included in our rent. I am so excited about the appliances! I don't spend enough cash to get quarters for laundry, so this soon will not be a problem. Our little townhouse is cute, and close to campus. I will be homeless for a week or two, but we have friends we can stay with.
I went and saw the documentary, Jesus Camp the other day. If you haven't heard of this, it is about a children's summer camp for evangelists in Devils Lake, ND. The head of the organization also preaches in Bismarck/Mandan. If viewed with a liberal mind, this documentary is quite humorous! I highly recommend it if you ever get the chance to see it. I viewed it for free because it was playing in a building on campus.
This summer I plan on going to Madison (excited!!!), spending time with ma & pa, going to the beach, going to some film festivals, visiting with Ashley when see comes up here, and of course doing lots of work and homework.

Another beach photo. Strolling along the boardwalk..
My Easter Lunch
More random thoughts
I keep thinking of things to write.
I am reading "In Cold Blood" by Truman Capote. Highly recommended. It got a little slow in the middle, but it is starting to pick up again. "Excuse me for not leaping for joy. Bad back you know." (Torii is currently occupied with The Lion King. That's why I can write so much now).
Laurie-how many favorite movies can you have? Wow.
Don't bother watching "Happy Feet". Very bad movie.
The Green Mill closed here. But I hear it's going to be a Chili's. Awesome! I love Chili's. I want a strawberry lemonade so bad now.
I am craving Diet Coke and frozen Cokes. At least it's almost summer. I craved frozen Cokes with Fred Rion and it was the middle of winter. GG told me today that she craved popcorn and beer with dad. Funny.
I am reading "In Cold Blood" by Truman Capote. Highly recommended. It got a little slow in the middle, but it is starting to pick up again. "Excuse me for not leaping for joy. Bad back you know." (Torii is currently occupied with The Lion King. That's why I can write so much now).
Laurie-how many favorite movies can you have? Wow.
Don't bother watching "Happy Feet". Very bad movie.
The Green Mill closed here. But I hear it's going to be a Chili's. Awesome! I love Chili's. I want a strawberry lemonade so bad now.
I am craving Diet Coke and frozen Cokes. At least it's almost summer. I craved frozen Cokes with Fred Rion and it was the middle of winter. GG told me today that she craved popcorn and beer with dad. Funny.
Odds and Ends

I caught a little bit of Andy Barker, PI tonight. I think NBC already cancelled it though. I had to record most of it because the kids weren't letting me watch it and Amy Sedaris was guest starring. She rocks and I know the episode will be good just because of her. I still haven't watched Earl from the other night. I made the kids give me a half hour to watch the Office yesterday. I may watch it again because it was a pretty good one. I wish there was a Jim in my office.
I've been feeling better lately, but still tired. I think I'm mostly over the morning sickness, but some things will still set me off. I bought a maternity swimsuit the other day and it actually looks cute. But pregnant bellys are cute.
Did everyone have a good Easter? We did. The boys had a lot of fun hunting for eggs at Grandpa and Grandma's house. Of course we ate too much.
Torii made me feel so bad the other day. I dropped him off at daycare and he didn't want to stay. He wanted to go with me. I cried all the way to work. Then Fred Rion started up with that yesterday too. I need to find a way to work from home.
I guess that's it for now. Catch ya later.

The boys got haircuts today. Then they had pictures this afternoon. The pictures will be black and white or sepia with a little bit of color in them. They dressed up as a cowboy, a fisherman and a baseball player. I can't wait to see the pictures. Today was so nice we went to a playground after the pictures. We were there a long time. It wore Torii and I out and we took a nap when we got home. I couldn't get Fred Rion to sleep so he played on the computer while we napped. But Fred Rion is sleeping now and Torii gets to stay up a little longer.
The Beach
Here are some pictures from when I went to beach. It was really nice that day, but by the time we got to the beach it was really cold!! Oddly enough, when we got back to Allendale (about half hour away) it was warm again. it just much be that cool breeze coming off the lake.

This my friend Crystal and I being silly.

This my friend Crystal and I being silly.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Blog Away
So this is my creation. How do you like it? We can post whatever on this page, and we can stay connected! Exciting! Feel free to create a Blogger account so you can have your own profile and be listed under the authors section. You can also start a personal blog under that profile. Mine can be viewed in my profile. Its blog name is: Frogger. Also, I thought it would be a good idea to have different colors for each of our posts (to distinguish them), so once we all get going I will modify that. I pick green:) If you prefer a certain color/style let me know so I can edit that into the template. I think this site is pretty easy to navigate and you'll catch on quick. I defiantly know it now. So, if you have any questions let me know. Post stories, post pictures, share ideas, and have fun!
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