I just got back from class, and I am happy to report that my harsh professor finally gave me my first A on a critical paper. My paper was 10 pages long and very well thought out, so I feel accomplished now (haha). Excuse the poor picture quality, but if you can't see that is 2,528 words! This was the paper on Female Representation in American and Japanese Animation. Whoot! I'm excited because this professor is so challenging! I hope the rest of my week goes this well!
Oh... lol! I was going to comment on how I had trouble even putting this on the fridge because none of our magnets would hold its massive weight. Note the clip.... lol .... school is fun:P
WOW!! Way to go sis! I'm so proud of you. That's excellent. :-) :-)
Good job! I told you not to worry. Speaking of female representation in animation. Does it bother anyone that in Disney's Little Mermaid she leaves her entire life to be with a man. Are they telling little girls that to be happy you have to be with a man and completely change your life for him?
haha ..right! Have you noticed that pretty much every disney movie is that way? That paper was actually quite fun. I had to compare The Little Mermaid to Princess Mononoke. I should send you a copy of this article I had to read for class; it discusses female representation in The Little Mermaid. Have you noticed that the only obese person in that movie is Ursula.....the villain..... what does that say about the way about females are (or should be) depicted, and how do little girls that watch The Little Mermaid decipher that? (ha ha).
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