Sorry I haven't been able to get to the post office to send out the pics to everyone. Work has been crazy. I have been working 7am until about 5pm or a little after that. My boss is out for the whole week for a family vacation so now i'm doing her job and mine. It's been so busy too. At least this week will and has been going fast, so that means one less week for brian to be home!!! Yaaaay.
Brian has been talking about Idaho Falls lately, as in a place to live next year. When he graduates in December he would like to work part time with his boss he is currently working with and maybe be doing part time for a master's degree. Either way he would like to work out there it sounds like. So, we may be moving in January or sometime in the next summer. We are not sure yet if we will move or not but it could be a possibility. I would be excited to move as a new adventure but I am going to miss my job the most and my friend Megan. I am starting to make some nice friends at work and I enjoy everyone I work with.
Well, not much else going on. I will get those pics sent out this week for sure. I will also keep everyone updated on Idaho Falls.
Those roses look really nice! I wish I had a garden :P I look forward to those cds. Do you think you can send me my other cds and Games magazine too?
Laurie, your other c.d's and magazine were sent out today. Everyone should recieve the picure's on c.d saturday or Monday at the latest.
I couldn't believe those roses came out of your garden.I thought maybe Brian sent you some roses. They are really pretty.
Cute picture of the boys in the wagon too.
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