I thought I would post a few more pictures from Jackson Hole. The only picture I can't claim is the bald eagle in the wild. Brian's friend was in Yellowstone for the day and saw this eagle just sitting in a tree. I thought it was such a gorgeous picture of a eagle in it's natural habitat, I had to post it. The next picture is a really neat arch made out of antlers. The arch goes into a nice little park area in the middle of town. The arch was also lit-up in christmas lights. We walked by the "Million Dollar Cowboy bar," and I wanted to stop for a drink but we were running out of time. Oh well, maybe next time.
Brian has stayed busy putting together his model rockets and he shot them off on Tuesday with his boss, and other co-workers. They went to shoot off the rockets right after work. What a bunch of kids. He was especially excited to shoot off the rocket that measured 6ft tall. So, they had a great time shooting them off and trying to find them. I think they only lost one rocket out of five. So, I guess that's pretty good.
Brian and I are trying something new with the cats. I am getting tired of having a litterbox in the house and the cats drag litter around the house, no matter where we put the litter box . Since we now have a garage, I want to start training them to let us know if they need to go out to the garage to use it. They are such scardey cats and they are somewhat taking small steps into the garage and snooping around. Once they get their tale past the door, I'll shut the door and I will only let them back in if they meow. Then I know they want in and then they know they have to meow to get in or out. That's how it works. Of course it's going to be a very long proces because they have been so babied since they were kittens and everything they had was indoors and rarely went outside the home. So, I hope it works.
That is a lot of antlers. I have to show that to Fred.
I want to shoot a rocket off with Fred Rion this summer. I think he would like that.
I think dad still has your rocket that you had. Try to shoot that one. That would be fun to explain to fred rion. Uncle Brian wants to shoot rockets with the kids also when we come home this summer. Uncle Brian would have so much fun with them.
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