Hi everyone, just thought I'd let you know how my thanksgiving went. I missed mom's cooking and family, but was still able to enjoy myself and get plenty to eat :D Thanksgiving week was great because on tuesday Eric's mom cooked because Eric's brother was in town and wouldn't be for thanksgiving, so we had an early supper. Then for Thanksgiving day we went out to some friends of his family, which was really nice. They had a cute little house north of Grand Rapids. It was realy nice to get away from the city for awhile. Supper was very traditional mixed in with some traditional Polish Sausage and sauerkraut from Eric's grandpa. Very good! For dessert, we had six different pies, which was fabulous :D Everyone enjoyed my apple pie, and they all kept asking me where my apple came from. They were a bit surprised when I told them North Dakota haha!
Anyways, I can't wait to come home for xmas. Eric and I are getting really excited to get out of Michigan for awhile and road trip. I have two more weeks left until the end of this semester, which is nice, but extremely stressful! So much to do!! And I'm still trying to get over this stupid cold! I have thee worse cough, and it has not let up in nearly a week now :(
Oh yeah, I am all moved into my new house. I love it :) I will post pictures once I get a little more settled in and I will send my address soon :)
Meanwhile, here are some pictures from thanksgiving day. They had a really beautiful horse... kinda made me miss seeing horses every day :( Enjoy.


Kelly is going to be jealous....
Sounds like you had a good time. Can't wait til you come home too. And can't wait to meet Eric :)
oooh, what a cute horse! I am jealous. Sounds like a fun time with everyone!
Scary! we posted at the same exact time!
I know! Weird! I thought I was seeing things and wasn't sure if I posted in the right blog spot. carzy!
wow sisters haha :P
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