So last Tuesday Eric and I got to get all dressed up to attend a scholarship dinner that he was invited to. It was at the oldest hotel in Grand Rapids, which was really neat. I had fun, and I got to meet with some people who might be able to hook me up with an internship! :D Yay! Diner was SO good! We had hors d'oeurves, spinach cranberry salad, stuffed chicken, and vanilla creme brulee for desert. I really wanted to lick the dessert bowl, but I didn't think that would be proper haha. After diner we went down to one of lounges in the hotel and had an overpriced drink. Eric decided that since diner was free and we were already dressed up, he would buy us a drink. How nice :)
This last weekend I decided to help my friend Erin out with her film/video senior thesis project. She asked if me and Eric wanted to star as extras, so I thought that would be fun. Plus she's a good friend, so why not. The film took place in the 1940s at a school science fair. It was fun, and we shot in a really old school in Grand Rapids that was built in the 1920. Really net. It was really time consuming, but a lot of fun. We were on the set for like 12 hours on saturday and 8 non sunday. We were so exhausted by sunday! I fell asleep so fast and didn't wake up once haha. I can't wait to see the final cut of the movie, which is only 4-5 minutes long. She also shot on 16mm film, which was really cool.
Other than those two big events, not too much else to report. Eric and I have been working hard to fix up our lawn before mom and dad come to visit. It's nice to be outside after that terrible winter. Thankful for nice weather!
I'm also nearing the end of my undergraduate degree. Excited and nervous all together. Can't wait, yet I can. I've just got settled in Grand Rapids, and really like it, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do in the near future. Plus, Eric still has to complete another semester. We'll see, I guess :)
It's going to be a busy week though finishing up my school work...
Well here some recent pictures. enjoy.
At our house :)

Creme Burlee!

I did my own hair! Eric was suprised at how much I actually like to get all dressed up and stuff :p I told him that I occasionally do like being girly :P

Eric wanted me to put this one up. We're weird...


lookn' good. I love the hair. So cute.
Sounds like a nice dinner. I like the pictures and I like your hair too.
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