This is a side table I got at the auction. Nobody was bidding on it so I took it for a buck.

I didn't know what I wanted to do with it so I let Cordelia help me. She picked out the color. I wasn't too sure about her color choice, but I let her pick it so I had to go with it.

I got the basket at Hobby Lobby on clearance for $5.00. It looks so cute with Cordelia's color choice. Now I'm happy she picked that color.

I also let Cordelia pick out the drawer knob. Like any good
repurposer I have an assortment in my crafty stash waiting to be used someday. I got this knob at Michael's last winter in their dollar section! So for about $10 Cordelia has a little table for her room once we get the boys out of it.
love :)
that's so cute! Looks like cordelia has mommy's touch for design. Nice job to the both of you! ;)
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