Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial weekend

Hope everyone is recovering from vacation. We could have went to Dave and Peggy's cabin at Lake Tshida this weekend, but I just wanted to stay home. We didn't do too much which was nice.
Today we went to the zoo. I think it almost got to 80 degrees, but it was cloudy so it wasn't too bad. A lot of the animals were active. We were at the otter cage when they got fed. It was so funny because the otter got up on his hind legs as soon as he heard the zoo worker drive up. The other otter got up from his nap as soon as he heard the food hit the water. Torii really liked the pygmy marmosets because they are on Diego. He always asks to watch that episode. I should see if its on DVD somewhere.
Last night we went to the neighbors and sat around their "campfire." I was looking at getting one at Target for our driveway, but saved the money instead. It's just a metal fire pit thing that is enclosed. We weren't going to stay long, but were there until almost midnight. Fred Rion isn't shy at all and he told the neighbor he was hungry so she made him a snack. That kid won't stop eating lately.
Tonight we had Dragon Tails for supper. It's just taco salads, but I shaped the kids so it was the shape of a dragon tail and then put red tortilla chips in the middle of the tail so it looked like the spikes of the tail. Fred Rion really liked it.

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