Monday, May 28, 2007

Stacy- I really like the idea you made of the Dragon Tails, that's creative. So cute. I had a blast over vacation and it went by way to fast! I had a wonderful time with everyone and it was great to get us together for all of it.
Not much new around these parts. Brian is doing well. I have talked to him either online or on the phone just about every night. As everyone can tell he posted some pictures on the blog from his trip to Salt Lake City. It looked very nice. He has the digital camera with him so I expect some more pictures sometime on the blog when he has the chance. It also sounds like he's already busy with projects from work and is enjoying it.
I guess I have been trying to keep myself as busy as possible. I have been working in the garden quite a bit and I have already picked some strawberries and planted a few new flowers. I enjoy the garden and it also gets me outside. I'm also starting to work on our honeymoon plans for next year. Brian graduates in December and I beleive the graduation is around the 16th-22nd. Somewhere in there, I will have to double check. Brian and I are getting very anxious to go and we may be thinking of a winter trip to Europe. I think either way it would be beautiful and wonderful. Plus, the hotels may be cheaper. he he. So, I have two dates in mind that I am working with and it can keep me busy.
This Wednesday I will be at the Brewers/Braves game. Work is having a manager's outing where the game is free and we will be picked up by limo to Milwaukee. We will be tailgating for about an hour and then some free drinks at the park. I guess we are suppose to keep looking at the big screen above the score board because our hotel or group will be on it sometime during the game. Cool huh? I love my job. :-)
Well that's about it from here. Talk to everyone again soon. Love you all and miss you.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I think Europe in the winter would be awesome. There would be less tourists and I bet it is really pretty.