Tuesday, May 1, 2007


I forgot my book at home so I don't have much to do on my break today so I thought I would write something.

The other day the boys and I were outside and the neighbor's daughter and her family were at their house. Fred Rion saw their car outside and noticed the front end was a little beat up. He asked me what happened and I told him I didn't know so he should ask them if they come outside. When they came out Fred Rion ran up to them and said "You need to fix your car." Luckily they have kids too so they just laughed.

On Sunday we went to the zoo. The kids spent most of the time at the playground there. We also rode the train, ate popcorn and had ice cream cones. The otter was swimming back and forth in front of the window and it kept popping his head out of the water. Everytime Fred Rion would say, "he popped his head out. Look he popped his head out. He popped his head out." Torii like the playground but after awhile he wanted to go on the swings. I told him this playground didn't have swings. So he said "go to a different playground."

I am going to make the boys special t-shirts for the game. I found some cute baseball style tees at Walmart to put the image on. I think I will work on that on my lunch break. I have Publisher I work so I can get it done really fast here. I'll just have to bring my t-shirt transfer paper in some day.

Today I have to pick up some pictures of the kids at 6:00. Until then I think I will use up my film and get that developed today while I'm out. Then I can put some pics on the blog. There some pics from the zoo and there might be some as far back as Christmas. Who knows. But I'll have some new pics on here soon.

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