Monday, March 31, 2008

Not much has been going on here. Friday of this week is my last day at Lowe's. A few people have said that they don't want me to leave because I help out so much and get things done. I feel a little bad about leaving so soon but I'm more excited to start my schedule at the hotel. I close tonight and tommorow, then I work at the hotel wednesday and thursday to train some more. Then friday I work at Lowe's 5:30a-2:30pm for my last day. So, it will be a nice week and then maybe I can get the weekend off and relax a little. I worked everyday so far between both jobs and I don't remember when I had a full day off. So, I've stayed busy.
Yesturday, brian and I made Chicken Fried Steak for supper and it was sooo good. I can't wait to make it again. I'll post the recipe soon, I tried to do it today but it's posting funny and I may have to type it out instead of cut, copy, and paste.
Today I got my Idaho license. In order to get it, I had to take the written test again and I only got 3 wrong out of 40 questions. I didn't study that much, just a few things I looked over and I feel pretty good about it. :-)
The weather here has been pretty nice and then we were hit with some snow this morning. Well, this blog is pretty boring but that's about it around here.


Laurie said...

sounds like you are busy! It will be nice for you once you are back on a normal schedule :)

Stacy said...

Chicken Fried Steak sounds so good. That reminds me, I was going to post a recipe too.