Thursday, March 27, 2008


First a picture from Easter. AJ came over with his girlfriend, but he had competition from Torii. Torii followed her everywhere. They were downstairs watching a movie and Torii had to sit right next to her.

Cordelia is grabbing her feet now. That picture took forever to get. Everytime I would raise the camera up, she would put her feet down and just look at me. I had to be quick and snap a picture.

Since she is grabbing her feet, she is also trying to do it while strapped into her bouncy seat. Then she gets bent over and can't get back up. Now I have the seat in the recline position so she can't bend over and almost fall out of the chair.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Cute pictures. I think Cordelia wants to start crawling so she can chase after her big brothers :)