Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Favorite pictures of mom & dad's trip.

Dad and Randy were being waiters for the lady's. Randy was being a french waiter. Ha ha
Watch out for this Grandma! Ruth & one of her many guns she owns.
In the middle of the craters lava flow.
Just about to walk around a spatter cone. The hill in the back is what we climbed"The inferno"
Jackson Hole arch of antlers.
My enormous slab of all you can eat BBQ ribs. (took 2 days to finish)
On the old tow bridge in idaho falls, above the snake river.
Here are some of my favorite pictures of mom and dad's trip. We had sooo much fun and it went to fast for me! There's two pictures of when they were in Oregon and I didn't get to go, but I wish I could have taken the time off of work to go. But it sure looks like they had fun. Laurie-I don't know if mom and dad were able share some of their pictures with you by email, but here's a few for you to enjoy. Take care all! Oh Stacy, have you tried the fry sauce yet? MMmmmmm.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

More pics

I was showing mom and dad some of the other frames on my camera at soccer last night. I love that she is crying in this picture. She looks like the spoiled princess that didn't get her way.
I found these great boxes at a rummage sale for $2.oo earlier this summer. I finally got around to making the cushions for them. I have some touch up to do and have to attach the hinges, but I was so excited I had to take a picture. I'm thinking I should stain the boxes now because it doesn't look right with fabric. I'm not sure. This box is filled with our winter stuff which I didn't have a place for before. The other box is full with other random stuff that didn't have a place. It was also a good excuse to buy some really fun fabric that I wouldn't normally buy. It's also nice to have a place to sit when we put on our shoes.
Mom and dad got the boys some dinosaur eggs on vacation. You can see the one in the jar starting to hatch. They looked right away the next morning to see if they had hatched. Then we had to go to Wal-Mart and Rion was concerned about leaving because he didn't want to leave the dinosaurs alone.
I told Rion to stop throwing his penguin in the house.

No pictures from soccer last night because I took video. It was a very good night for video though. Torii always tells me he wants to be on the purple team. Well last night we played the purple team. And Torii cheered for them. I have him on video celebrating when the purple team scored. Even when I'm shooting the game, you can clearly hear Torii in the background cheering for the purple team.

Friday, July 25, 2008


These football pics are from a couple of weeks ago. Seems like the perfect sport for a couple of rough kids.

I was at a thrift store the other day and wandered into the Digger's Delight (stuff a bag for a $1.00). There was a bag of broken toys, but when I looked closer I noticed a bunch of Legos in it too. I had to grab that up. Rion played with the Legos all afternoon and evening. He built a cool lookout tower. It was by far cooler than anything I have ever built with Legos. I told him the only thing I could ever make was square cars. He thought that was funny. There was a bunch of Lego guys in the mix too, a lot of them from Star Wars sets.
I was just playing with the digital camera, trying to get some better closeup shots and remembered there were frames on the camera.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Grilled deli sandwiches

I bought a magazine the other day that you have to get if you see it. It's a Taste of Home magazine and it's called Fun Food. There's cookies decorated as people at the beach on the cover. It is filled with really good recipes. If you don't get it, I'll just have to fill the blog with recipes. This is the first one I've tried from the magazine. It was so good. It tastes like something from Quiznos. The only differences I had was I didn't use red pepper and I used Provolone instead of Swiss because I had some Provolone on hand. I also used olive oil instead of vegetable oil. I'm sure you can sub lots of other meats and cheeses and it would still be really good. Here's the recipe. Enjoy!

1 medium onion, sliced
1 cup sliced fresh mushrooms
1 cup julienned green pepper
1 cup julienned sweet red pepper
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
12 slices sourdough bread
1/2 pound each thinly sliced deli ham, smoked turkey and pastrami
6 bacon strips, cooked and crumbled
6 slices process American cheese
6 slices Swiss cheese
In a large skillet saute the onion, mushrooms, and peppers in oil until tender. Layer six bread slices with ham, turkey, pastrami, bacon, vegetables and cheese; top with remaining bread. Wrap each sandwich in foil. Grill, covered over medium heat for 4-5 minutes on each side or until heated through.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Craters of the Moon-Arco, ID.-July 17th.

We started our day at Craters of the Moon. It's a seven mile drive of 2,000 yr old lava if you want to go around the entire park. Mom and I trecking our way up the Inferno Cone. We are about half way up the cone. In the background you can see, maybe our car but also other's as well.
Somewhat of a cliff behind me. The wind was howling so hard it probably could have just picked me up and thrown me over.
Nice picture of mom and me on the top finally. It was soooo windy up there!

Everyone taking in the view on top of the Inferno.

~To the top~ the mounds are all spatter cones we walked to only two of them.
I think dad missed this sign.

"Is that a park ranger coming up the Inferno?" "Nope just another tourist."
~Dad put the lava rock he wanted in the trunk as soon as we got to the car.
Walking along side a Spatter Cone.
Brian & Dad thought Craters of the Moon meant something else. (they almost put
the pants down.) Men.
Inside the Indian Cave. (this is a hollowed out lava tube, we just went in one of the tube's.) We saw a few caved in lava tubes that you could once walk in.
Taking in the wonders of the entrance of the cave.
Dad and Brian going to explore more of the cave. Mom and I stayed behind, we wore sandles to walk around; don't ask why. But it we still got around, it was fun.
This is the end of the dark tunnel they went through! They made it, with no flashlights!
Arco is a very small town about 15-20 min. from Craters of the moon.

(well sign behind us, explains where we are.)
We arrived late for the tour and only self guided tours were left through a pamphlet. That's ok, we had Brian with to expain it. I wish I had only taken a picture of Dad's face trying to understand it and trying to keep up with it.
The road to EBR1 Test sight. I.N.L land-very desert like.

Having a relaxing night at a local Baseball game. (Idaho Falls Chukars)

We had a wonderful time on Wednesday and we were so tired afterwards. The weather was gorgeous and hot at times at craters with all the black lava flow around us but we managed. Craters of the moon has a neat facts about it. NASA's Apollo astronauts learned basic geology there in 1969 as they prepared for their moon missions (hence the name). This area is considered a young volcanic flow, it's only 2,000 years old. Underground this is connected with the "mega" volcano that's in Yellowstone National Park (the part of it that's active). Everywhere we walked we saw what looked like sprinkler heads out of the ground, but they are actually detector's for any underground movement.

Walking through the caves was so much fun. It's so dark and creepy. All the caves are "enter at your own risk," there is no tour guide. Bring your own flashlight and watch your step for loose rock. After we spent sometime at Craters, we started to head back home. We stopped at EBR1 which is the first place in history have a Nuclear reactor running and to generate power to a city (Arco). Brian was excited to teach as much as he could to mom and dad and show them what he knows. After the tour, we went drove through Arco and stopped at a restaurant called"Pickles Place." I had to bring dad there, he loves his deep fried pickles. We had a nice meal there for a great price! Then we went home for a quick margarita and then went to the baseball game to end the night. Phew! What a day. (you can click on any of the pics to enlarge them,especially the cave pic, they are neat.)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

We went to Jackson today. Here are some pics.

Mom & Dad found Bigfoot!

Monday, July 14, 2008


When we were walking back to the car after the 4th of July parade, Torii insisted on carrying his candy. His bag was really heavy.
The night we had a campfire when mom and dad where in Michigan.
This had to be earlier this year, but I don't remember when. Goofy boys.
Another picture from that night at the campfire. Winnie sat there like she was going to get something.

Friday, July 11, 2008