Saturday, July 5, 2008

Candy, water and explosions

We had a very full Fourth of July. In the morning we went to the parade. The boys both got full bags of candy. Cordelia fell asleep right before the parade started. The first thing to come through is always the fire trucks and they beep their horns and run the sirens. She slept through that and the Mandan High band that followed. She actually had a very good nap despite the noise. I guess she's used to it though.

After the parade, we went home and I thought the boys might lay down for a nap. They didn't so we went out to Grandpa and Grandma's. They played with their water toys while I took a very nice nap with Cordelia. The boys got very wet of course. Then we had hot dogs on the campfire. The boys didn't eat much, but they did have room for s'mores. Rion had three and Torii had two.

I wasn't planning on buying fireworks, but Auntie Vicki gave the boys money for fireworks so we picked a few up. The boys really liked the parachutes. The wind was just right that they could follow them and pick them up where they landed. They also liked the snaps and really all of the fireworks. Next year I will have to get a lot more.

Last year we watched the fireworks in Lincoln and I wanted to the same this year. About 10:30 Torii said he was ready to go to bed. The poor kid could barely keep his head up and his eyes open. If we hadn't been laughing at him and he had a minute more he would have fallen asleep right there. He was out before we got to Lincoln. Rion was still up so we pulled into DJ's parking lot in Lincoln and watched fireworks for a good fifteen minutes. He sat in the front seat with me while we watched the fireworks. The fireworks were going off non-stop and when you were outside it was so loud. It was great to watch.
When we got home I had to take each kid in one at a time and not a single one moved in the transition from car to bed. Torii slept in until 9am this morning. Rion got up at the usual time, but at 6:00 tonight he said he was tired and laid down with daddy. He was asleep within five minutes.


Kelly said...

sounds like alot of fun and busy day. I like all the picures, looks a fun day.

Laurie said...

I like the picture with dad and cordelia and the one of all the kids asleep. Looks like you guys had a very eventful weekend! :)