Saturday, August 23, 2008


Finally, some go-kart photos! I've had some trouble using the Internet and what not. Anyways, I had a blast at home. Hanging out with the High family was the best! :D I can't wait to come home for Christmas and see Cordelia run around! I enjoyed seeing everyone!! Much love!
Classes start on Monday. Wish me luck this year! It's a pretty laid back year with only 12 credits each, but I think I'll have my work cut out for me with my culminating Anthro. classes. Exciting, but not haha. :P Not much else going on, just trying to find that second job, and getting my stuff organized before Monday. Hope everyone is doing well :)


Kelly said...

looks like a lot of fun! I want to ride the go-carts now! We don't have anythign fun like that around here.

Stacy said...

Your pictures turned out way better than mine. Glad you posted some. It was a lot of fun!