Saturday, July 18, 2009


Today was the second annual worldwide photowalk. I had heard about this a couple of weeks ago and someone got a photowalk organized for Bismarck. It sounded like fun so I signed up for it. Basically, it was a group of about 15 people and we had a couple of hours to wander around snapping pictures. We met downtown which is a great location for photos. I didn't think I would need two hours to cover downtown, but really I ended up feeling bummed that I didn't have more time. I will have to find some time to do it again. I ended up walking with a lady from North Carolina. She was here visiting family and knew she wouldn't be home to do the one there so she signed up for the Bismarck one. We were the only two with plain Jane digital cameras, everyone else had high tech professional gear, but we ended up with some nice shots. I have to also post these to the photowalk site. There is a chance for prizes, but really I'm just excited to see what everyone took pictures of.Every time we heard the train we were at least three blocks away from the tracks. I still took a picture of the tracks.
This is one of my favorite shots. I got snap happy here and was probably the reason I ended up with a full memory card before time was up.

This is my "don't do anything" picture. Don't walk, don't rollerblade and don't skateboard.

This is my most favorite picture of all. I thought it was neat, but when I saw the picture I was so excited about how cool it looked. I found it in an alley, kind of to the side. So glad I wanted to take some closer pictures of the alley or I would have never walked by this.

This picture is for Fred's mom. Apparently this is where the Norma Apartments are. There were so many things I saw downtown that I had never noticed before. I drive by these places all the time, but when you are busy driving you just don't pay attention to them.


Laurie said...

Great compositions! I miss downtown so much now! I like the picture of the Mckenzie building. Lots of memories in that area of town. Photo walk sounds really fun! I'd like to see more!

Stacy said...

More photos on facebook...

Kelly said...

I love all your photos. So neat and makes me miss home a little more.