Monday, November 21, 2011


I've had Google Analytics on my blog for a long time, but I noticed the other day that you can now get stats for all blogs. I don't know if you've looked at it (you'll see it on your dashboard), but it's fun to look at. With Google Analytics you can get more in depth information, like what keywords people searched for to find your blog and the number of returning visitors. You can also get more specific on where people are from, down to the city. At work we use this for marketing purposes. I just like to look at it for fun. The stats you'll find on the dashboard aren't as in depth, but still fun to look at. I took a look at this blog before this post. All time we've had 3,245 views of this website. Of course the majority of these people are from the United States, but can you guess the second? Russia. Bet you didn't guess that. Russia was followed by Canada and Germany. Check it out!


Laurie said...

yeah, those are fun to peak at every once in a while :) Congrats with all the popular posts! hehe Is it creepy that the second thing searched is my name grand rapids, mi? Also, I am not satisfied with the amount of Mac users... haha!

Stacy said...

That is a little creepy. I should have looked at the alltime stats, I was just looking at the week. Canada isn't even in the top 10 all time. Funny. And what's with all the people who need legal pad holders?

Laurie said...

I know! Who would have known that there's such a demand for legal pads. Start selling 'em!