Saturday, November 26, 2011

Ugly Floral Dress

I got this ugly floral dress at the thrift store not too long ago. As you can see in the first picture it's pretty shapeless and looks like something my elementary school teacher would have wore. Anyways, I picked it up because I knew I could transform it with some things I already own. So, picture two shows my finished product. What do you think? I used a long colorful cardigan, skinny belt, and a cute necklace that has a feather on it. Not sure what shoes to pair with it, but I'm thinking flats.


Stacy said...

Awesome! I just don't have the eye to do something like that. Good job!

Laurie said...

thanks Stacy! I also wanted to note that the whole outfit is thrifted with the exception of the necklace :)

Kelly said...

SO cute sis! You have a good fashionable eye.