Nothing new around here in Spud-Ville. Work for me has been going ok. The only thing I don't like is the hours. I had to work today 5:30am-2:30pm and it's the same for tommorow and then the rest of the week I work 1pm-10pm. I work seven days in a row this schedule so my next day off is Monday. I guess that's retail life and now I remember why I didn't like it. But, it is better than sitting at home all day I guess. One up side to work is now I am getting so many ideas for some projects this summer. I can't wait. I will post my projects when i start them or finish them. It's going to be fun.
Last summer during brian's intership in Idaho falls, he worked with a guy named Rob and he's from the U.K. Rob is in town for this month to visit and work a little at I.N.L. He's working towards his P.H.D in engineering and wants to come to the U.S to work at I.N.L. On sunday we were bored and Rob wanted to go to the Teton Mountains to check out during the snow fall so, we decided to take an hour trip to Jackson Hole, WY and explore a bit. We had a wonderful time and the weather was perfect for a nice drive yesturday. We saw a Elk Refuge and I think we saw more than a thousand in one large field. We also saw which were either coyotes or fox heading towards the Elk and the Elk didn't seem bothered by them. This week Brian and Rob are working on some model rockets to put together and launch this week sometime. Dr. Howe even gave them some of his model rockets to put together so they can launch. What a nice boss he has. Just a bunch of kids. This weekend Brian, Rob and some other guys are going snowmobiling in Yellowstone on a guided trail. I was invited to go as well but, I have to work. Well, I'll post some pics for you and I better get going.
So I was casually clicking on the website address and then looked away at the TV while it loaded. Then I casually looked back at the computer and OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT? Freaky jackalope.
All the pictures were pretty. I didn't know you were so close to Jackson Hole. I think that's a hideout for celebs.
I really like the second picture! It looks really beautiful out there :)
p.s. the jackalope scarred the crap out of me too. lol
ha ha! I like the jackalope. I thought you would like it too. I believe Harrison Ford lives in Jackson somewhere and flys his helicopter in the mountains to help find stranded hikers and such. I love the old western type stores and the town has a old western backwoods feel to it. I can't wait to go back.
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