Today we went swimming at Country Inn Suites. It was Cordelia's first swimming experience. I'm not sure what she thought about it. She was really tired and finally did fall asleep with Auntie Vicki. The boys had a lot of fun swimming. When we first got there, the waterslide and the mushroom weren't on so they had to turn it on. Torii was standing near the mushroom when it went on and suddenly the water came splashing down from the top and it scared him. He wouldn't go under the waterfall from the mushroom at first, but then I took him under it and then there was no stopping him. We stayed in the wading pool for a long time. Then we went down the waterslide a few times. The last time down with Fred Rion was so funny. He was pretending we were a car and he was steering, complete with car sounds. Then Fred Rion discovered he could touch the bottom of the pool where the waterslide ended so he was done with the wading pool at that point. They were pretty tuckered out after swimming. Grandma stopped by to watch for a little bit and then we went to Walmart. Fred Rion was falling asleep in the cart. I thought they would fall asleep in the car on the way home, but they were tired and kept fighting so they kept each other up. When they did settle down for the night, it didn't take long for them to fall asleep.

that looks like so much fun! I wish we could be home to go swimming with them.
cute cute :) Looks like so much fun!
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