Thursday, July 26, 2007

Finished at last

Well, I ignored my family all last weekend plus a couple more days so I could read the last Harry Potter book. I thought it was good, but a little slow in the beginning. I liked the final battle between Harry and Voldemort. Not the best book in the series, but still worth the read. On a somewhat related note, I'm going to make Torii a t-shirt. All it's going to say is Slytherin. Maybe I'll make a Gryffindor one for Fred Rion.

We had a family move in to the duplex on our block this week. It was kind of funny because it happened to be a family that was camping at Ft. Lincoln until they could move in. I had talked to the mom one day when their 4 year old fell off the monkey bars in the campground and broke his arm. Then the boys showed up at our door one day and wanted to play with Fred Rion and Torii. They are a rowdy bunch though. I'm so glad Torii fell asleep just a little bit ago so I had an excuse to not let the boys play with them tonight. They are over here all the time. One nice thing about that group is that when my kids play with them, I really see that my kids are pretty good kids.

I had a doctors appointment today. Everything went good. I had another ultrasound today to check out one thing, but it looked like everything was ok. I told them to double check the sex of the baby. It is for sure a girl. Then I had to take the worst test of them all today. They check for gestational diabates. You have to drink this 10 ounce solution that is really really sweet and then sit for an hour. Then they take blood. I have no problem with them taking blood but that solution you have to drink is awful. The other times I felt naseaus from it, but not this time. I did start to feel a little light headed by the time I got home, but felt better after I ate.

I can't believe tomorrow is already Friday. Thank goodness though. I'm ready for this baby to be here just so I don't have to work anymore. Work outside the home that is.


Kelly said...

I'm so happy that they know it's a girl. I'm so excited! That's great.
Glad to hear that everything is ok also.

Laurie said...

A girl!!! Yay! That is so exciting!!!

Harry Potter. Everyone is reading it! haha. It's funny. I might actually sit down and read this one once this semester is done... maybe. I like your idea for those shirts. That would be really cute! Torii is defiantly Slytherin! :P