Friday, December 28, 2007

Another Christmas gone

Here's a few pictures from Christmas. Except for the one of Cordelia laying down. I had put her down for a moment and she fell asleep. You can see how chubby her cheeks are in the picture. It was a fun Christmas. It was good to see everyone and eat really good food. Have a Happy New Year everyone!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Friday, December 21, 2007

Home Sweet Home!!!

Brian and I made it to Jamestown before the storm. The roads were just fine and it was a nice drive.
We just finished with the rehearsel dinner tonight for brian's cousin, Austin, who is getting married tommorow. Soooo, if you thought our wedding was crazy.......they had at least 450 people RSVP to the dinner and dance!! Also, they have the same band we did. Backstage Pass will be there!! Exciting!! This is going to be one long night. Brian is currently drinking with Austin at the hotel in a party room with some more family members and I am taking this chance of a nice quiet rest of the evening of relaxation. Brian wanted me to go and, yes I would love to visit but I finally have a moment of, doing nothing. I love it, for the meantime.

Brian and I knew we were getting close to home, when we suddenly realized the temp outside was dropping and there's frost everywhere and, I can't forget, less trees. Ha ha. We heard on the radio that the temp for tonight with the wind chill is going to feel like -25. Brrrrrr. I called my friend Megan in Wisconsin and told her the temp and she couldn't believe it. Megan and I talked for at least an hour or more today and I already miss her so much. I said all my goodbye's to everyone at work and it was hard. I love everyone there. Oh and Laurie......Kristine says "You're more than welcome for the room." She said it's the least she can do. What a sweetheart. Oh and Laurie, do you remember what I got for Kristine with the Office Space flare? Guess What? She gave me her Red Swingline Stapler from her office as a going away reminder. I told her I will keep it in my new office at the Hilton (that is if I have one) and it will always remind me of our crazy "Office Space" moments at work.

Well, don't want to talk to much otherwise we will have nothing to talk about! Tommorow we have pictures with all the family members starting at 1pm and then the wedding starts at 4:30pm. I thought about the show "Fawlty Towers" today and thought about, the Major on the show. From the episode "Basil the Rat," I remembered a line from The Major when brian and I were talking about the wedding "The Germans, their everywhere." Ha ha!!! I thought you you would like that dad.

Anyway, we will be having the Gross Christmas on sunday here at the hotel and then Christmas Eve we are doing Meredith's side of the family. Busy, busy. We will be home Sunday evening sometime. I hope to get home asap. I can't wait to see everyone. See you soon!

Merry Christmas

Love, Kelly & Brian

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Ho Ho Ho!

Today we saw Santa. I had Cordelia all bundled up and moved her around and she still didn't wake up. Of course we had to get pictures taken. They said all the proceeds from Santa pictures went to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Anyone else find this ironic?
Later we went to Grandpa and Grandma's for sledding. Laurie is home now too and got to see Cordelia for the first time.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Why are pirates so scary?

Because they arrrrrrr!


It's been pretty cold so every time we go out, Cordelia gets bundled up. I also bought a cute hat with ear flaps, but haven't taken pics yet. I'll post when I do. It's so cute.

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday mom! Hope you like the next picture. Ha ha!

Happy Birthday Mom!!!!!

Sorry, I love this picture! Hope dad takes you out for a drink but maybe not quite this size. Ha Ha! See you soon. Love you! Kelly & Brian

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

No title

Not much happening, just basically wanted to say hi. Mom and I went thrift store shopping yesterday. It was a really good time. We both found some things. I got somethings for projects that I will start after Christmas. I'm so excited though, I want to start now. When you two come home we have to go thrift store shopping some afternoon.

I was going to start making some Christmas cookies, but Cordelia's been kind of fussy lately. I haven't gotten much done the past few days. Tomorrow I am meeting a bunch of people from work for lunch. The kids are going with. I'm not too sure how that will go. I wish we were going to Pizza Ranch so I could leave when the kids had too much, but we are meeting at Dakota Farms. I hope they have fast service.

Not much else going on. Talk to ya later.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Happy Birthday Kelly!

Happy Birthday Kelly. I hope Brian is spoiling you on your day. Enjoy the day.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Brian and I will be leaving tommorow morning. I hope the weather is calming down a little. And yes we will call as soon as we land in Madison. I will probably call when we are in Minneapolis also. Well, I have a job at the hilton and I will start training Jan. 1st. I will talk more about it over the phone some more and we also found a townhome that is wonderful! We are really excited about it. It's a great location and off of a quiet road. The townhome is brand new and in a new subdivision. I thought the last photo above was cute in regards to what we are doing. Kindof a dumb joke really. I thought we are getting our ducks in a row, 'er geese in this case. ha ha. If you click on it, it looks even funnier. These geese where lined up almost along the entire falls that we could see. Weird.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

views in Idaho Falls

I thought I would share some pictures of Idaho falls. My favorite picture is the last one. It was snowing that day I think it has a nice winter christmas scene in it. Most of the pictures are of the Snake River and all the evergreen trees that you see are lit-up with christmas lights at night. It's really pretty. These pictures are mainly taken right out side of our hotel. I have an interview with the hilton tommorow morning and it's only about two blocks from where we are staying! We have a few more places to look at tommorow for a place to live. We have a townhome in mind that we are excited about and we can't see it until tommorow afternoon. Well, that's about it from here. We will be flying out of Idaho on Tuesday and we should be back in madison sometime in the afternoon. I'll talk to everyone later. Take care and I hope everyone is enjoying the snow! Hopefully we will have a nice full snow white christmas this year!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Let it snow, let it snow!

We made it to Idaho falls and we will be here for a few days to look around. Right now it's snowing here and we have a nice view from the hotel of the snake river falls and part of it is frozen over. It's a pretty area. Sounds like we just lucked out from the snow in Minnesota to fly out and it sounds like Wisconsin is going to get hit hard. Laurie- it's coming your way! Well, we gotta go and get some things done. I just wanted to say hi to everyone and drive safe with the snow coming.