Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter Everyone!!!

(my creative Easter pie)

Hope everyone had a great Easter. I had to work until 4pm this afternoon and brian was getting the turkey ready for me. I called him when I was on my way home and he said "come home quick, I'm about to ruin the apple pie." I just told him to stay out my kitchen and let me handle it. :-) We had a nice dinner and we gave the cats some scraps.

I gave Lowe's my notice and the 7th will be my last day there. I think I will be much happier at Super 8 as a manager and the hours are so much better. I will have the evenings off to see Brian and it will be so much easier to have a set schedule. So I would work wednesday-sunday, 7am-3pm. Brian is going to see if he could possibly work the same days as me with his job (they are pretty flexible) and we would just use monday and tuesday as our "weekend" together. That would be nice.

Well, i think we are going to go to a movie late tonight, because we are still trying to recover from our big meal and apple pie. I could use a nap right now. Yaaaawwwnnn. I will call soon and take care.


Stacy said...

That is a super cute pie! How did you do it?

Congrats on the new job!

Kelly said...

I just followed an apple pie crust recipe I have and it made alot so I had enough left over for the top. I used a bunny cookie cutter with a few crust scraps left over. I just put the top on and then the bunny sits on top and cooks together. I also added some cinnamon and sugar on top for a little extra.

Kelly said...

My next project is a carrot cake that I have been meaning to try. I just talked to mom and she just made one and that reminded me of the recipe I have. I can't wait to try it. I'm actually thinking of looking into Culinary schools in the area and going for a pastry chef program. (gee, I should have just made a new post, huh?)